The book analyses Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint as a methodological work and as a contribution to the positive philosophy of the 19th century. It alsomaintains that empirical psychology Brentano's is a project independent of his descriptive psychology. In...
Newsletter of Phenomenology – Issue 600 (October 2021)
Newsletter Archive Keeping phenomenologists informed since May 2002 Issue 600 (October 2021) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Call for Papers Metodo vol.10/1 : Familiarity and togetherness...
Paul Marinescu, Cristian Ciocan (eds), From Witnessing to Testimony (Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 21/ 2021)
Paul Marinescu and Cristian Ciocan, Introduction: From Witnessing to Testimony [OPEN ACCESS] Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Testimony and Engagement: On the Four Elements of Witnessing Abstract: In order to develop a hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of testimony,...
Nicolae Turcan, “Liturgy and Apophaticism”, Religions 12(9), 2021
The Orthodox liturgy is a religious phenomenon that can be analyzed phenomenologically and theologically alike, given the emphasis that both phenomenology and Orthodox theology place on experience. By proposing the Kingdom of God instead of the natural world without...
Christian Ferencz-Flatz, “Gesten als Okkasionelle Bedeutungserfüllungen”, Husserl Studies, 2021
This paper addresses the question of occasional expressions, as discussed by Husserl in his First and Sixth Logical Investigation in relation to the problem of gestures. It aims to show that gestures are intimately related to the use of occasional expressions and have...
Laura T. Ilea, Politiques du désir. Pour une condition relationnelle (Mimésis, 2021)
Les Politiques du désir plaident pour la force du questionnement qui ne croit pas aux solutions radicales. Ni le pardon, ni la réconciliation facile, ni le dialogue flamboyant ou belligérant. Mais la conscience que, quoiqu'on fasse, on est face aux Érinyes, aux...
Maria Gyemant: Husserl et Freud, un héritage commun (Classiques Garnier, 2021)
Deux nouvelles pensées du sujet naissent au XXe sií¨cle : la phénoménologie et la psychanalyse. Partageant un míªme domaine, elles évoluent en parallí¨le sans jamais se croiser. Pour comprendre leur rapport, nous devons donc remonter í leur source commune : la...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 9 (186) / septembrie 2021
Newsletter de filozofie 23 September 2021 View this email in your browser Nr. 9 (186) / septembrie 2021 Newsletterul de filozofie românească este un buletin informativ editat de Societatea Română de Fenomenologie (SRF), coordonat de Cristian Ciocan și Iulia Mîțu....
Newsletter of Phenomenology – Issue 599 (September 2021)
Newsletter Archive Keeping phenomenologists informed since May 2002 Issue 599 (September 2021) Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books & Translations Periodicals Open Commons News Call for Papers Études phénoménologiques -...
EXTENDED DEADLINE CfP: Experiența mărturiei: adevăr, memorie, identitate. Abordări fenomenologice
Societatea Română de Fenomenologie și Institutul de Filosofie "Alexandru Dragomir" au plăcerea să vă anunțe organizarea colocviului național "Experiența mărturiei: adevăr, memorie, identitate. Abordări fenomenologice", care va avea loc pe 15-16 decembrie 2021, la...
Larisa Cercel et alii (eds.) Cognition and Comprehension in Translational Hermeneutics (Zeta Books, 2021)
The fundamental aim of translation studies in general is to better understand the practice of translation. Insofar as hermeneutics can be regarded as an approach to understanding the nature of understanding itself (and in this it finds alliances with phenomenology),...
Paul Marinescu – “The Duty of Memory Revisited: Ricoeur’s Contribution to a Crisis in French Historiography”, Human Studies, 2021
ABSTRACT: The relationship between memory and history, which has preoccupied historiography and the philosophy of history since the middle of the nineteenth century, took a particular course in France at the end of the millennium. The forms this relationship took in...