About Romanian Society for Phenomenology
The Romanian Society for Phenomenology was founded in 2000 to promote research in phenomenology, coordinate the development of this discipline in Romania, and help constitute a specialized phenomenological community in Romania.
The Society is a founding member of the Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations.
The aim of the society is to promote the phenomenology in Romania, by organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, and by stimulating a professional community of researchers. The main publication of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology is the international yearbook Studia Phaenomenologica, founded in 2001.
Latest Events & News
EXTENDED DEADLINE: CfP Studia Phaenomenologica vol. XXV (2025) – Eco-Phenomenology
Editor: Mădălina Diaconu Argument: Eco-phenomenology is a recently emerged discipline that aims to constructively rearticulate the relationship of phenomenology with natural sciences based on the assumption of a situated and embodied subject. The concept of...
CfP: Fenomenologia expresiei artistice: poezie, muzică, arte vizuale (Conferința anuală SRF, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 noiembrie 2024)
Încă de la începuturile sale, fenomenologia s-a plasat în proximitatea experienței și a expresiei artistice. Deja Husserl constata că „intuiția fenomenologică este strâns înrudită cu intuiția estetică din arta «pură»” și remarca o afinitate între atitudinea...
Call for Papers: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 26 (2026): “Phenomenology and Psychopathology”
Editors: Françoise Dastur and Maria Gyemant Argument: Phenomenology was conceived by Edmund Husserl as the rigorous and objective science of subjectivity. It aims to explore subjectivity in a way far more complete than empirical psychology could ever do since it does...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 12bis (216) / Retrospectiva anului 2023
Stimaţi colegi, Retrospectiva anului 2023 poate fi sintetizată astfel: I. PREZENȚE INTERNAȚIONALE 10 cărți de autor publicate la edituri din străinătate 14 volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate 55 articole publicate în reviste din străinătate 33 studii...
Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 625-626 (November-December 2023)
Call for Papers Back to the Things Themselves! 2024 (21st - 29th May 2024, Montréal, Canada) Deadline: 7th Jan 2024 First International Conference on Embodied Education (15th - 17th May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark) Deadline: 10th Jan 2024 Phenomenology at the borders...
Ovidiu Stanciu, “L’insoutenable monisme. Kojève, Heidegger et l’idée d’une ontologie dualiste”. In: Philosophie 156 (1) 2023
L’exigence sous laquelle se place le projet philosophique de Kojève et qui détermine tant son enseignement à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études que ses méditations solitaires et clandestines (mais tout aussi ambitieuses), consignées dans les nombreux manuscrits de...