Extended Deadline: June 30, 2019 Guest Editors: Daniele De Santis & Claudio Majolino Since the second half of the last century, the manifold relationships between the Phenomenological movement and the Aristotelian tradition have been at the center of scholarly...
New issue: Studia Phaenomenologica 17 (2017) – Phenomenology of Animality
PHENOMENOLOGY OF ANIMALITY Cristian Ciocan, Mădălina Diaconu: Introduction: Phenomenology of Animality. Challenges and Perspectives Maxine Sheets-Johnstone: Husserlian Phenomenology and Darwinian Evolutionary Biology: Complementarities, Exemplifications, and...
New Research in Phenomenology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Program and abstracts available at: https://srfcluj.phenomenology.ro/ Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology, organized with the support of Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca and European Foundation Cluj-Napoca November 24th-25th, 2017,...
EXTENDED DEADLINE CfP: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 19 (2019) – On Conflict and Violence
Presentation The 2019 issue of Studia Phaenomenologica will be devoted to the topics of conflict and violence. Given the threatening presence of violence in the world we live in, its various concrete manifestations and the plurality of its meanings, this phenomenon...
Program: Comunitate – identitate – diferență. Priviri fenomenologice
Comunitate - identitate - diferență: Priviri fenomenologice conferința anuală a Societății Române de Fenomenologie organizată în colaborare cu Institutul de Cercetări al Universității din București și Institutul de Filozofie "Alexandru Dragomir" 16 și 17...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Studia Phaenomenologica XVIII (2018) – The Promise of Genetic Phenomenology
Call for Papers: Studia Phaenomenologica, Vol. XVIII (2018) EXTENDED DEADLINE: 31 December 2017. Special Issue: The Promise of Genetic Phenomenology Guest Editors: Christian Ferencz-Flatz and Andrea Staiti Despite the ever-growing literature on genetic...
New issue: Studia Phaenomenologica 16 (2016) – Film and Phenomenology
FILM AND PHENOMENOLOGY Christian Ferencz-Flatz and Julian Hanich: Editors' Introduction: What is Film Phenomenology? Vivian Sobchack: "The Active Eye" (Revisited): Toward a Phenomenology of Cinematic Movement Hans Rainer Sepp: Kamera und Leib: Film in statu...
EXTENDED DEADLINE CfP: Studia Phaenomenologica XVII (2017) – Phenomenology of Animality
EXTENDED DEADLINE : 15 January, 2017. The 2017 issue of Studia Phaenomenologica will be devoted to the phenomenology of animality. This area can be approached in at least two different ways: one can explore the fruitfulness of the problem of animal being by starting...
CfP: Comunitate, identitate, diferență: priviri fenomenologice
TERMEN PRELUNGIT: 20 septembrie 2016 Societatea Română de Fenomenologie are plăcerea de a vă invita să participați la colocviul național "Comunitate - identitate - diferență. Priviri fenomenologice", organizat în colaborare cu Institutul de Cercetări al...
New issue: Studia Phaenomenologica 15 (2015) – Early Phenomenology
EARLY PHENOMENOLOGY Dermot Moran and Rodney K.B. Parker: Editors' Introduction: Resurrecting the Phenomenological Movement DOCUMENTS Edmund Husserl: Ms. Signatur A III 1/9-16 "Exzerpte" zu Jean Hérings Staatsexamensarbeit (Herausgegeben von Thomas Vongehr) Jean...
Estetica fenomenologică după centenar. Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale
Colocviul anual al Societății Române de Fenomenologie In memoriam Walter Biemel (1918-2015) 21 noiembrie 2015 Facultatea de Filozofie, Universitatea București (Splaiul Independenței 204, sector 6, București) Organizatori: Mădălina Diaconu și Christian Ferencz-Flatz P...
Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015): Incursiuni fenomenologice în noul film românesc, Editura Tact
Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Incursiuni fenomenologice în noul film românesc, Editura Tact, 2015 "Iată cartea anului în domeniul teoriei cinematografice. Probleme fundamentale pentru acest domeniu sunt abordate de Christian Ferencz-Flatz cu instrumentarul filosofiei...