About Romanian Society for Phenomenology
The Romanian Society for Phenomenology was founded in 2000 to promote research in phenomenology, coordinate the development of this discipline in Romania, and help constitute a specialized phenomenological community in Romania.
The Society is a founding member of the Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations.
The aim of the society is to promote the phenomenology in Romania, by organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, and by stimulating a professional community of researchers. The main publication of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology is the international yearbook Studia Phaenomenologica, founded in 2001.
Latest Events & News
Program “Istorie, sens și traducere” (20.02.2020)
Societatea Română de Fenomenologie și Institutul de Filosofie Alexandru Dragomir au plăcerea să vă invite la colocviul "Istorie, sens și traducere. Abordări fenomenologice" care va avea loc pe 20 februarie 2020, la Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din...
Lucian Ionel – Sinn und Begriff: Negativití¤t bei Hegel und Heidegger (De Gruyter, 2020)
What is the significance of our conceptual capacity in the constitution and articulation of meaning? The book pursues this question by bringing Hegel and Heidegger into conversation. The background is the conception of negativity shared by both authors, according to...
Newsletter of Phenomenology Issue 579 – January 2020
Call for Papers Phenomenology as Method (22nd - 24th April 2020, New York City, United States of America) Deadline: 26th Jan 2020 Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches (6th - 7th May 2020, Grenoble, France) Deadline: 31st Jan 2020 Methodology in...
Roxana Baiasu – Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Schematism. In: Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo (eds.), Kant and the Continental Tradition (Routledge, 2020)
Immanuel Kant's work continues to be a main focus of attention in almost all areas of philosophy. The significance of Kant's work for the so-called continental philosophy cannot be exaggerated, although work in this area is relatively scant. The book includes eight...
Cristian Bodea, Delia Popa (eds.) – Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis (Zeta Books, 2020)
This collective volume aims at contributing to an in depth understanding of the relationship between phenomenology and psychoanalysis, drawing on research that renews and complements the area of discussion opened by recent publications on this interdisciplinary...
Christian Ferencz-Flatz – Zur Funktion des Vortheoretischen bei Adorno Der Erfahrungsbegriff der Kritischen Theorie und die Phí¤nomenologie (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 2019)
Pre-theoretical experience and the lifeworld are traditionally seen as a key reference for phenomenology. In the present paper I intend to point out their relevance for critical theory as well. To this extent, I start off with a brief overview of phenomenological...