Call for Papers: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 26 (2026): “Phenomenology and Psychopathology”

Editors: Françoise Dastur and Maria Gyemant Argument: Phenomenology was conceived by Edmund Husserl as the rigorous and objective science of subjectivity. It aims to explore subjectivity in a way far more complete than empirical psychology could ever do since it does...

Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 12bis (229) / Retrospectiva anului 2024

Newsletter de filozofie 31 December 2024 Nr. 12bis (229) / Retrospectiva anului 2024 Newsletterul de filozofie românească este un buletin informativ editat de Societatea Română de Fenomenologie (SRF), coordonat de Cristian Ciocan și Iulia Mîțu. Acest buletin...

Newsletter de filozofie – Nr. 10-12 (226-228) / octombrie-decembrie 2024

Newsletter de filozofie 13 December 2024 Nr. 10-12 (226-228) / octombrie-decembrie 2024 Newsletterul de filozofie românească este un buletin informativ editat de Societatea Română de Fenomenologie (SRF), coordonat de Cristian Ciocan și Iulia Mîțu. Acest buletin...

Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 637 (November 2024)

Newsletter Archive Number 637 (November 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books...

PROGRAM: Fenomenologia expresiei artistice: poezie, muzică, arte vizuale (Conferința anuală SRF, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16 noiembrie 2024)

Conferința anuală a Societății Române de Fenomenologie este organizată în colaborare cu Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca și Casa Tranzit Data: 15-16 noiembrie 2024 Loc: Casa Tranzit, str. George Barițiu, nr 16, Cluj-Napoca

Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 636 (October 2024)

Newsletter Archive Number 636 (October 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books...

Raport de activitate 2021–2024

Stimați membri ai Societății Române de Fenomenologie, Dragi colegi, Vă prezentăm în cele ce urmează principalele activități și proiecte derulate în perioada 2021–2024 sub egida Societății Române de Fenomenologie, precum și alte informații relevante. Am grupat aceste...

Mădălina Diaconu, Aesthetics of Weather. Bloomsbury 2024.

In an age of rife consumption and increasing need for consideration of sustainable social practices, an exploration of the aesthetics of weather from various angles becomes vital in shedding light on its importance to our experience of the changing world. In response,...

Victor Eugen Gelan, Vizibilul și nevăzutul. De la fenomenologia cotidianului la metafizica nerostitului. Studii pe marginea filosofiei lui Mihai Sora, Editura Institutul European, 2024.

Rigoarea cartii lui Victor Gelan, evidenta in toate textele care o compun, indiferent daca la origine au fost studii academice sau articole aparute in presa culturala, este dublata de un stil al analizei nu doar comprehensiv, ci si profund empatic. Un stil aflat...

Nicolae Turcan, “Affective Discernment as a Boundary Experience”. Human Studies (2024).

This article is a theo-phenomenological study on discernment in Eastern Orthodox spirituality, particularly as it is described in the Philokalia and the Apophthegmata Patrum. The article focuses on two fundamental dimensions: firstly, discernment as both theoretical...

About Romanian Society for Phenomenology

The Romanian Society for Phenomenology was founded in 2000 to promote research in phenomenology, coordinate the development of this discipline in Romania, and help constitute a specialized phenomenological community in Romania.

The Society is a founding member of the Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations.


The aim of the society is to promote the phenomenology in Romania, by organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, and by stimulating a professional community of researchers. The main publication of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology is the international yearbook Studia Phaenomenologica, founded in 2001.

Latest Events & News

Michel Bourdeau and Ion Tănăsescu, “Intentionality and the Classification of Phenomena and Sciences in Comte’s Cours de Philosophie Positive and in Brentano’s Empirical Psychology”. In: Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill (De Gruyter, 2022)

Abstract The paper compares Auguste Comte’s and Franz Brentano’s views on the following issues: the classification of phenomena and of the sciences, the criterion of the fundamental division of phenomena and the change of method implied by it. It is argued that the...

Alexandru Bejinariu, “Descriptive and Intentional Contents. Considerations on Husserl’s Logical Investigations from Brentano’s Empirical Point of View”. In: Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill (De Gruyter, 2022)

Abstract This paper develops a novel reading of Husserl’s critique of Brentano in Logical Investigations via the fundamental distinction between Brentano’s 1874 project of psychology as a positive, empirical science and his later descriptive psychology. I argue that...

Ion Tănăsescu, “Franz Brentano and Auguste Comte: The Theory of Stages and the Psychology”. In: Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill (De Gruyter, 2022)

Abstract The paper develops and argues the following theses: (1) Brentano’s theory of the four phases of philosophy was designed independently of Comte’s law of the three stages of thought. (2) Brentano took considerable care to underline the correspondence between...

Ion Tănăsescu, Alexandru Bejinariu, Susan Krantz Gabriel and Constantin Stoenescu (eds.), Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill (De Gruyter 2022)

Before now, there has been no comprehensive analysis of the multiple relations between A. Comte’s and J.S. Mill’s positive philosophy and Franz Brentano’s work. The present volume aims to fill this gap and to identify Brentano’s position in the context of the positive...