La filosofia futura n. 21/2023 Sull’origine del filosofare II Informazioni A cura di Nicoletta Cusano, Chris O. Ioniță Collana: La filosofia futura 2023, 88 pp. ISBN: 9791222312736 [LINK]
Mădălina Guzun, “Logos as a Middle Ground between Physis and Alētheia in Heidegger’s Reading of Heraclitus”, in: La filosofia futura n. 20/2023: Sull’origine del filosofare. Heidegger, Severino e i Primi Pensatori.
La filosofia futura n. 20/2023 Sull’origine del filosofare. Heidegger, Severino e i Primi Pensatori Informazioni A cura di Nicoletta Cusano, Chris O. Ioniță Collana: La filosofia futura 2023, 104 pp. ISBN: 9791222309606 [LINK]
Maria Gyemant, “Unconscious Emotions and the Limits of Phenomenology: Husserl, Lipps and Freud”. Human Studies (2024).
Can an emotion be unconscious? The aim of this paper is to answer this difficult question. Is it possible for an emotion to be a fully lived experience and at the same time remain unknown to the subject? Or, in clearer terms, how can one have a feeling without...
Christian Ferencz-Flatz, “The Limits to Owning One’s Behavior: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Involuntary Action”, Human Studies (2024).
This paper focuses on a lesser-known aspect of Husserl’s theory of action, namely his understanding of “involuntary behavior,” as developed especially in the recently published manuscripts gathered in Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins. Specifically, I follow the...
Cristian Ciocan, “Violence and the Limits of Experience”. Human Studies (2024).
The aim of this article is to explore the question of the limits of experience in light of the phenomenology of violence. I begin by emphasizing the specificity of the phenomenological concept of pre-theoretical experience, in contrast with the traditional concept of...
Remus Breazu, “Violence in mass-mediated images and memory. Phenomenological account of prosthetic memories”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2024).
In this paper, I analyse Alison Landsberg’s concept of prosthetic memories from a phenomenological perspective. Prosthetic memory, while sharing similarities with both personal and collective memory, is neither exclusively personal nor strictly collective, emerging as...
Cristian Ciocan, “Violence, as a theme in phenomenology”, in: Nicolas de Warren, Ted Toadvine, (eds), Encyclopedia of Phenomenology, Springer, 2023
Although violence was not among the central topics of phenomenology in its initial phase, the outbreak of the First World War impacted greatly the self-understanding of many German philosophers affiliated to this movement. There is a rich material available (De Warren...
Ovidiu Stanciu, “Narrativity, Experience, and Meaning”, History and Theory, 2024.
This review essay aims to reconstruct the main tenets of the “narrative constructivist” position defended by Kalle Pihlainen in his book titled Historia fallida and to lay out some of the ambiguities this position generates. I begin by exposing the core commitments...
Nicolae Turcan, „Faith as Experience. A Theo-Phenomenological Approach”, Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy, Vol. 6, 2023
This text proposes an analysis of the phenomenon of faith in the tradition and spirituality of the Eastern Church. Starting from the relationship between phenomenology and theology, the article uses a theo-phenomenological method to depict the phenomenon of faith both...
Lucian Ionel, “Bewusstsein und Geist. Heideggers Hegel”, in: Holger Zaborowski (Hrsg.), Martin Heidegger: Holzwege, De Gruyter, 2024
Der ursprüngliche Titel von Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes lautete Wissenschaft der Erfahrung des Bewusstseins. Das Werk sollte der erste, einleitende Teil eines Systems der Wissenschaft sein und die Erfahrung darlegen, die das Bewusstsein von der Natur seines...
Mădălina Guzun, “Asymétrie et brisure de la traduction. Une réflexion à partir de la langue chez Martin Heidegger”, Revue des sciences humaines, 2023
À partir de quel niveau devrait-on penser la traduction ? Afin de répondre à cette question, il est nécessaire de savoir tout d’abord ce que nous traduisons. Apparemment, on traduit un texte, un discours. Un original. Mais, à y regarder de plus près, il n’existe pas...
Paul Marinescu, “Photography and evidence: reflections on the imagistic violence”, Continental Philosophy Review, 2024.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of imagistic violence by focusing—by means of a phenomenology open to dialogue with neighboring disciplines, from historiography to semiotics—on the particular case of photographs depicting atrocities,...