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Ion Tănăsescu – Psychologie, Seiendes, Phantasie bei Franz Brentano (De Gruyter 2021)

The book analyses  Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint as a methodological work and as a contribution to the positive philosophy of the 19th century. It alsobook: Psychologie, Seiendes, Phantasie bei Franz Brentanomaintains that empirical psychology Brentano’s is a project independent of his descriptive psychology. In addition, it investigates Brentanian themes that were of relevance to Heidegger’s and Husserl’s phenomenology: the being as truth, the intentionality, and the fantasy presentation.

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Raport de activitate 2021–2024

Stimați membri ai Societății Române de Fenomenologie, Dragi colegi, Vă prezentăm în cele ce urmează principalele activități și proiecte derulate în perioada 2021–2024 sub egida Societății Române de Fenomenologie, precum și alte informații relevante. Am grupat aceste...