The book analyses Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint as a methodological work and as a contribution to the positive philosophy of the 19th century. It alsomaintains that empirical psychology Brentano’s is a project independent of his descriptive psychology. In addition, it investigates Brentanian themes that were of relevance to Heidegger’s and Husserl’s phenomenology: the being as truth, the intentionality, and the fantasy presentation.
CFP: Conferința anuală SRF “Fenomenologie și praxis” (Chișinău, 26-27 septembrie, 2025)
Societatea Română de Fenomenologie are plăcerea să anunțe organizarea colocviului național Fenomenologie și praxis, care va avea loc la Chișinău, în 26-27 septembrie, 2025. De la instituirea sa istorică, fenomenologia s-a autodefinit ca metodă de acces la fenomene,...