Editor: Mădălina Diaconu Argument: Eco-phenomenology is a recently emerged discipline that aims to constructively rearticulate the relationship of phenomenology with natural sciences based on the assumption of a situated and embodied subject. The concept of...
Newsletter of Phenomenology Number 627-629 (January-March 2024)
Newsletter Archive Number 627-629 (January-March 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books & Translations Periodicals...
Newsletter de filozofie Nr. 1-3 (217-219) / ianuarie-martie 2024
Newsletter de filozofie 22 March 2024 View this email in your browser Nr. 1-3 (217-219) / ianuarie-martie 2024 Newsletterul de filozofie românească este un buletin informativ editat de Societatea Română de Fenomenologie (SRF), coordonat de Cristian Ciocan și Iulia...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 12bis (216) / Retrospectiva anului 2023
Stimaţi colegi, Retrospectiva anului 2023 poate fi sintetizată astfel: I. PREZENȚE INTERNAȚIONALE 10 cărți de autor publicate la edituri din străinătate 14 volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate 55 articole publicate în reviste din străinătate 33 studii...
Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 625-626 (November-December 2023)
Call for Papers Back to the Things Themselves! 2024 (21st - 29th May 2024, Montréal, Canada) Deadline: 7th Jan 2024 First International Conference on Embodied Education (15th - 17th May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark) Deadline: 10th Jan 2024 Phenomenology at the borders...
Ovidiu Stanciu, “L’insoutenable monisme. Kojève, Heidegger et l’idée d’une ontologie dualiste”. In: Philosophie 156 (1) 2023
L’exigence sous laquelle se place le projet philosophique de Kojève et qui détermine tant son enseignement à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études que ses méditations solitaires et clandestines (mais tout aussi ambitieuses), consignées dans les nombreux manuscrits de...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 10-12 (213-215) / septembrie-decembrie 2023
I. PREZENȚE INTERNAȚIONALE A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate Monica Brinzei, Daniel Coman, Ioana Curut, Andrei Marinca (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts in Medieval Thought, Brepols, 2023. Denisa Butnaru, Exoskeletal Devices and...
George Bondor, “History as Macro-phenomenon: Heidegger and Gadamer”, in: Carlos Belvedere, Alexis Gros (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Macrophenomenology and Social Theory, Springer, 2023.
History’s admission to phenomenology fuels at least two overthrows. Firstly, it changes the prejudice that phenomenology is an ahistorical approach. Secondly, it modifies the impression that this philosophical method is possible only as a micro-phenomenology. In young...
Ion Tanasescu, “Brentano und Zeller. Ihre Auffassungen von der Geschichte der Philosophie und dem aristotelischen Νοῦς Ποιητικός”, in: Mauro Antonelli and Thomas Binder (eds.), Franz Brentano, Aristoteles Lehre vom Ursprung des menschlichen Geistes, De Gruyter, 2023.
Die Debatte Brentano-Zeller hat eine lange Geschichte: Sie beginnt mit Brentanos zunächst neutralen (MBS, 76) und dann kritischen (PsA, 35f.) Äußerungen über Zeller in seinen frühen aristotelischen Schriften, nimmt an Fahrt auf mit Zellers Kritik an Brentanos Thesen...
Alexandru Bejinariu, “On Husserl’s Theory of Alien Experience in the Logical Investigations”. In: Human Studies 2023
This paper tackles Husserl’s early analysis of alien experience and its relation to the methodological framework of the Logical Investigations (LI). Since intersubjectivity first becomes a central theme for Husserl in his writings of 1905 (Seefeld Blätter), less...
Ovidiu Stanciu, “The Experience of the Alien and the Inter-world: From Waldenfels to Merleau-Ponty”. In: Research in Phenomenology 53 (2023)
This paper aims to lay out the main tenets of Bernhard Waldenfels’s analyses of the experience of the alien and to confront the philosophical thesis underwriting them with a central insight stemming from Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy. In the first section, I...
Madalina Diaconu, “Tornadoes and the Poietics of Nature”, in: Lisa Giombini (ed), Applying Aesthetics to Everyday Life, Bloomsbury, 2023.
Applying Aesthetics to Everyday Life surveys current debates in the field of everyday aesthetics, examining its history, methodology and intersections with cognate research areas. Lisa Giombini and Adrián Kvokacka bring together an international team of renowned...