World Phenomenology Calendar Keeping phenomenologists informed since May 2002, currently 3832 members brought to you by: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology & Romanian Society for Phenomenology / Studia Phaenomenologica CONTENT PHENOMENOLOGICAL...
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 12 (49) / decembrie 2010
Noua adresa la care veti putea trimite informatii pentru newsletterul de filozofie este: APEL LA CONTRIBUTII 1. [deadline extended] Passionate Minds Knowledge and the Emotions in Intellectual History. 11th International Society...
“Alexandru Dragomir” Institute for Philosophy
The "Alexandru Dragomir" Institute for Philosophy was founded in 2009 under the auspices of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology, as a private and independent Research Institute, aiming to stimulate the high-quality philosophical research, with a special interest on...
Newsletter filozofie, Nr. 11 (48) / noiembrie 2010
Nr. 11 (48) / noiembrie 2010 Noua adresa la care veti putea trimite informatii pentru newsletterul de filozofie este: Editat de Societatea Romana de Fenomenologie (SRF) si de Centrul...
Newsletter of Phenomenology, issue 338 /4-12 November 2010
Keeping phenomenologists informed since May 2002, currently 3826 members & Romanian Society for Phenomenology / Studia Phaenomenologica issue 338 /4-12 November 2010 You can see this issue on the web at the following page:...
Fenomenologie si etica (21-23 octombrie 2010)
Societatea Romana de Fenomenologie si Centrul de Studii Fenomenologice (Facultatea de Filosofie, UB) va invita sa participati PROGRAM JOI, 21 octombrie 14:15 Deschidere 14:30 Discurs inaugural - Gabriel Liiceanu: Ce înseamna sa faci fenomenologie Sesiunea I ...
The new website of the Center for Research in Phenomenology (University of Bucharest)
The new website of the Center for Research in Phenomenology (University of Bucharest) is online. Please click here. Unfortunately, only Romanian version is available.
International Workshop “Phenomenology – Between Constitution and Constructivism” 22 March 2009, Cluj
International Workshop "Phenomenology - Between Constitution and Constructivism" 22 March 2009, Cluj Organized by the Romanian Society for Phenomenology and the University of Cluj Coordinator: Ion Copoeru WORKSHOP-PROGRAMM PROGRAMME OF THE WORKSHOP9:15-9:30:...
Proceedings of Sibiu 2007 Conference
Cristian Ciocan (ed.), Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology (Studia Phaenomenologica, Special issue 2009), Zeta Books
Availability: Paperback & Electronic (pdf)
Publication date: 10 July 2009
Size: 6 x 8.65 in
Pages: 286
Language: English, French, German
ISBN: 978-973-1997-30-8 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-973-1997-31-5 (ebook)
New issue of Studia Phaenomenologica
Michel Henry’s Radical Phenomenology
Studia Phaenomenologica vol. IX/2009
Guest Editors: Rolf Kühn & Jad Hatem
Size: 17cm*24cm / 550 pages
ISSN: 1582-5647 / ISBN: 978-973-50-2553-3
Newsletter for phenomenology – ISSUE NUMBER 289 /24 June – 8 July 2009
ISSUE NUMBER 289 /24 June - 8 July 2009 You can see this issue on the web at the following page: CONTENTS: WORLD PHENOMENOLOGY CALENDAR PHENOMENOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION WEBSITE OF THE WEEK GTH: Glosario-guía para traducir a...
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 6 (30) / iunie 2009
Nr. 6 (30) / iunie 2009 APEL LA CONTRIBUTII Conferinta "Darwin, evolu?ia speciilor si gandirea evolu?ionista", Facultatea de Biologie si Facultatea de Filosofie din Universitatea Bucure?ti, 20-22 noiembrie 2009 Descrierea, incotro? Mostenirea fenomenologica la 150...