A Decade with Studia Phaenomenologica


In terms of topics, along with a Varia section, each issue of our journal has been articulated around a central theme, which often focuses on a thematic intersection, such as the relationship between the Brentanian school and Husserlian phenomenology (2003), phenomenology and literature (2008), or phenomenology and psychology (this year’s issue). But, most often, the central theme targeted prominent people in the history of phenomenology. Three of our issues were dedicated to Martin Heidegger (Heidegger and Theology-2001, The Early Heidegger-2001, Translating Heidegger’s “Sein und Zeit”-2005). Two other volumes came out to celebrate the centenary of two great contemporary phenomenologists: Emmanuel Lévinas (2006) and Jan Pato?ka (2007). Other themes have thematically focused on the work of key authors of French phenomenology, such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2003) or Michel Henry (2010). We also dedicated two special volumes to two philosophers of particular importance for the history of phenomenology in Romania: Walter Biemel (anniversary volume-2003) and Alexandru Dragomir (2004).

This curriculum and its favourable reception in international academic circles make us look forward with confidence to the second decade of the journal Studia Phaenomenologica, which will open with two thematic issues: the question of tradition in phenomenology (2011) and the phenomenological importance of embodiment (2012). We can only hope that our readers will continue to join us in our editorial adventure.

The Editorial Board