Societatea Română de Fenomenologie are plăcerea să anunțe organizarea colocviului național Fenomenologie și praxis, care va avea loc la Chișinău, în 26-27 septembrie, 2025. De la instituirea sa istorică, fenomenologia s-a autodefinit ca metodă de acces la fenomene,...
Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 26 (2026): “Phenomenology and Psychopathology”
Editors: Françoise Dastur and Maria Gyemant Argument: Phenomenology was conceived by Edmund Husserl as the rigorous and objective science of subjectivity. It aims to explore subjectivity in a way far more complete than empirical psychology could ever do since it does...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: CfP Studia Phaenomenologica vol. XXV (2025) – Eco-Phenomenology
Editor: Mădălina Diaconu Argument: Eco-phenomenology is a recently emerged discipline that aims to constructively rearticulate the relationship of phenomenology with natural sciences based on the assumption of a situated and embodied subject. The concept of...
PROGRAM: Phenomenology and the Limits of Experience (21–23 September 2023, University of Bucharest)
Click here for the Conference Program
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Phenomenology and the Sciences: Between Foundation, Clarification, and Material Contributions. Studia Phaenomenologica XXIV (2024)
Call for Papers: Phenomenology and the Sciences: Between Foundation, Clarification, and Material Contributions. Studia Phaenomenologica XXIV (2024) Guest Editors: Andrea Altobrando and Simone Aurora EXTENDED DEADLINE: 1 September 2023. What can phenomenology say...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 23 (2023): Phenomenologies of the image
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 1st of September 2022 Editors: Emmanuel Alloa and Cristian Ciocan The 2023 issue of Studia Phaenomenologica will be dedicated to the question of the image and its phenomenologies. Images have been a remarkably constant preoccupation for the...
CfP: Imaginea ca problemă fenomenologică (Conferința anuală SRF, București, 25–26 noiembrie 2022)
Apel la contribuții: Imaginea ca problemă fenomenologică (București, 25–26 noiembrie 2022) TERMEN LIMITĂ PRELUNGIT: 5 octombrie 2022 Email: Societatea Română de Fenomenologie are plăcerea de a vă anunța organizarea colocviului național cu...
EXTENDED DEADLINE CfP: Experiența mărturiei: adevăr, memorie, identitate. Abordări fenomenologice
Societatea Română de Fenomenologie și Institutul de Filosofie "Alexandru Dragomir" au plăcerea să vă anunțe organizarea colocviului național "Experiența mărturiei: adevăr, memorie, identitate. Abordări fenomenologice", care va avea loc pe 15-16 decembrie 2021, la...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 22 (2022): GESTURES
Guest Editors: Christian Ferencz-Flatz & Delia Popa In recent years, gestures have moved into the center stage of theoretical interest. Prepared by various forays in the field of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics, which led to an increased focus...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: CfP Studia Phaenomenologica Vol. 21 / 2021 – From Witnessing to Testimony
Over the last decades, there has been a growing interest in the role of testimony and related phenomena and, in particular, an increasing attention to the phenomenology of the experience of testimony, its distinctive structure and significance. This interest is...
CfP: Istorie, sens și traducere
Societatea Română de Fenomenologie și Institutul de Filosofie Alexandru Dragomir au plăcerea să vă anunțe organizarea colocviului "Istorie, sens și traducere" care va avea loc pe 20 februarie 2020. Vă invităm să participați la o dezbatere despre rolul pe care îl...
Extended Deadline: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 20 (2020) – Phenomenology and the History of Platonism
Extended Deadline: June 30, 2019 Guest Editors: Daniele De Santis & Claudio Majolino Since the second half of the last century, the manifold relationships between the Phenomenological movement and the Aristotelian tradition have been at the center of scholarly...