About Romanian Society for Phenomenology
The Romanian Society for Phenomenology was founded in 2000 to promote research in phenomenology, coordinate the development of this discipline in Romania, and help constitute a specialized phenomenological community in Romania.
The Society is a founding member of the Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations.
The aim of the society is to promote the phenomenology in Romania, by organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, and by stimulating a professional community of researchers. The main publication of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology is the international yearbook Studia Phaenomenologica, founded in 2001.
Latest Events & News
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 6 / iunie 2007
APEL LA CONTRIBUTII Societatea Romana de Fenomenologie si Centrul de Studii Fenomenologice (Facultatea de Filozofie, Universitatea din Bucuresti) anunta a patra editie a Colocviilor de Filozofie de la Casa Lovinescu. Tema acestui an este: Filozofie ?i dualism....
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 5 / mai 2007
APEL LA CONTRIBUTII The international conference Ethics and the Professional Culture. A multi-disciplinary approach Cluj-Napoca, October 5-6th, 2007 Extended deadline and discounted fee for the International Summer Course: Religious Metaphors and Philosophical...
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 4 / Aprilie 2007
APEL LA CONTRIBUTII International Colloquium: Religious Metaphors and Philosophical Concepts: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology, Sibiu 27-28 August 2007, organized by Romanian Society for Phenomenology. Deadline: 20 May. International Summer Course:...
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 3 / Martie 2007
APEL LA CONTRIBUTII Simpozion: Universitatea "Babe?-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca: Modal logic and its applications, 18 mai 2007 VOLUME PUBLICATE IN TARA Livius Ciocarlie, Caietele lui Cioran, Humanitas, 2007 Ionel Necula, Ion Petrovici, Ideea Europeana,2007 Adrian Nita,...
Newsletterul de filozofie romaneasca – Nr. 2 / Februarie 2007
CALL FOR PAPERS The Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy of the "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca and the Department of Classical Philology of the Faculty of Letters from "Babes-Bolyai" University organize the International Colloquium Plotinus and the...
Newletter filozofie – Retrospectiva 2005-2006
VOLUME PUBLICATE IN TARA Sorin Antohi. Utopica. Studii asupra imaginarului social. Idea, 2005. Alexander Baumgarten, Scoala ragazului, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2006 Catalin Cioaba. Jocul cu timpul. Ontologia temporala a lui Martin Heidegger. Humanitas, 2005 Cristian Ciocan...