NEWS | Romanian Philosophy Newsletter

Romanian Philosophy Newsletter – Nr. 1  (165) / January  2020

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Iulian Apostolescu (ed.),  The Subject(s) of Phenomenology, Routledge, 2020
  2. Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo (eds.),  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  3. Lucian Ionel,  Sinn und Begriff: Negativití¤t bei Hegel und Heidegger, De Gruyter, 2019
  4. Dana Neacsu,  The Bourgeois Charm of Karl Marx & the Ideological Irony of American Jurisprudence, Brill, 2019
  5. A. Timotin,  P. Hoffmann  (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols, 2020

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din străinătate

  1. István Aranyosi, “Prediction, embodiment, and representation”,  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 42, 2019
  2. Raul-Ovidiu Bodea, “Nikolai Berdyaev’s Dialectics of Freedom: In Search for Spiritual Freedom”,  Open Theology, Band 5, Heft 1, 2019
  3. Constantin C. Brîncuș, “Are the open-ended rules for negation categorical?”,  Synthese, 2019
  4. Veronica Cibotaru, “Husserlian Phenomenology of Meaning: Across Language Boundaries”,  Annales de Phénoménologie – Nouvelle série,  Numéro 18, 2019
  5. Mara”Daria Cojocaru, “Doing Ethics or Changing for the Better?”,  Metaphilosophy, 2020
  6. Catalina Condruz, “Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia”,  Human Studies, 2019
  7. Richard David-Rus, DuÅ¡ko Prelević, “Proceedings of the EENPS 2018 Conference in Bratislava: Introduction”,  Filozofia Nauki, Tom 28, Nr 4, 2019
  8. Cristian Dimitriu, “The irrelevance of poverty for the morality of the lending system”,  Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2019
  9. Dragos Duicu, “La téléologie cachée dans la pensée biologique d’Uexküll”,  Revue de métaphysique et de morale, No. 101,  2019
  10. Christian Ferencz-Flatz, “Zur Funktion des Vortheoretischen bei Adorno”,  Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung, Band 67, Heft 6, 2019
  11. Nora Grigore, “Extensions, Numbers and Frege’s Project of Logic as Universal Language”,  Axiomathes, 2019
  12. Paul Marinescu, “Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension-Violence and Non-violence”,  Human Studies, 2019
  13. Gabriel Târziu, “Some Concerns Regarding Explanatory Pluralism: The Explanatory Role of Optimality Models”,  Filozofia Nauki, Tom 28, Nr 4, 2019
  14. Ionut Untea, “From Sacrifice to Gift: Aesthetic and Moral Aspects of the Experience of Awe for the Natural Environment”,  The Journal of Aesthetic Education, Volume 54, Number 1, 2020
  15. Mihaela Vatavu, “Kant’s innovative theory of judgment and cognition in the False Subtlety of Syllogistic Figures”,  Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 4, 2019

C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Roxana Baiasu, “Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Schematism”, in: Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo (eds.),  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  2. Sorin Baiasu,  Alberto Vanzo, “Kant and the Continental Tradition”, in:  Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo,  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  3. Victor Eugen Gelan, “Husserl’s Idea of Rigorous Science and Its Relevance for the Human and Social Sciences”, in:  Iulian Apostolescu (ed.),  The Subject(s) of Phenomenology, Routledge, 2020
  4. Adrian Robu, “Le culte des héros dans l’Antiquité tardive : autour des épigrammes de Mégare IG VII 52-53”, in:  P. Hoffmann, A. Timotin (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  5. Andrei Timotin, “Εὐχή et πάθος chez Porphyre et Hermogí¨ne de Tarse”,  in:  P. Hoffmann, A. Timotin (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  6. Iulian D. Toader, “Talking Past Each Other: Mach and Husserl on Thought Economy”,  Friedrich Stadler (ed.),  Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence, Springer, 2019
  7. Marilena Vlad, “Invoquer, nommer, íªtre présent. Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite sur la prií¨re”,  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  8. Dan Zeman, “Faultless Disagreement”, in:  Martin Kusch (ed.),  The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism, Routledge, 2019

D) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în străinătate

  1. Corin Braga, “Mircea Eliade et l’herméneutique psycho-historique pour l’analyse des religions”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  2. Mihai-Dan Chitoiu, “Mircea Eliade and Cosmic Christianity”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  3. Veronica Cibotaru, “How is a phenomenological description of the religious experience possible?”,  Religious Experience and Description,  Valparaiso University, Valparaiso,  USA,  October 10-12, 2019
  4. Bogdan Dicher, “Substructurality on metainferential conceptions on logic” (with Francesco Paoli),  Workshop on Metainferences and Substructural Logics, Buenos Aires, Argentina,  November 29, 2019
  5. Nicolae Hatem, “Mircea Eliade et la leçon de Kierkegaard”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  6. Diana Adela Martin,  “Macroethical duties: From individual to collective responsibility in engineering”,  Book Workshop on Stephanie Collins:  Group Duties,  UCD Belfield Campus, Dublin, 6 September 2019
  7. Diana Adela Martin,  Gunter Bombaerts, Workshop on “Engineering Ethics Case Studies”,  European Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Budapest, 16-19  September,
  8. Ana-Silvia Munte, “Hegel’s Transition to Objectivity – A Key-Move towards Grasping the Reality of the Concept”,  The Autobiography of Thought: Hegel’s Science of Logic,  Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 11-12 April 2019
  9. Alexandru  Tofan, “Mircea Eliade: The Mystical and the Sensory Types of Experience in an Archaic and in a Modern Man”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  10. Anca Vasiliu, “Le sublime dans le Phí¨dre de Platon”,  The Sublime in Antiquity and Beyond, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19-20  décembre 2019
  11. Alexandra Zorilă,  “My own story to tell – reshaping one’s narrative identity after DBS”,  The Ethics of Experimental Deep Brain Stimulation – Future Directions, University of Oxford,  15 -16 January, 2020

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  2. Daniela Dunca, Petru Dunca (ed.),  Experience and Explanation in Knowledge Society, Editura Institutul European, 2019
  3. Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  4. Mihail Radu Solcan,  Vremuri noi, vremuri vechi. Jurnal 2007-2013, selecție, introducere și note de Mircea Flonta și Constantin Vică, Editura Art, 2019
  5. Dan Tomulet,  Umbrele modernității, Editura Eikon, 2019
  6. Alexandru Volacu,  Avem datoria de a vota?, Editura Institutul European, 2019
  7. Mihaela Mocanu,  Semiotica, de la teorie la practică, Editura UAIC, 2020

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din țară

  1. Ramona Nicoleta Ariesan, “What is morally good?”,  International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science,  Number 5, Year III, 2019
  2. Alexandra-Niculina Babii, Bogdan-Constantin Neculau,  “Critical Thinking in the Contemporary Education: A Historical Approach”,  Meta, Vol. XI, No. 2,  2019
  3. Ionut Barliba, “Moral Vision, Outrage and the Contextual Understanding of Values in the World of Tennis”,  Meta, Vol. XI, No. 2,  2019
  4. George Bondor, “Benjamin Fondane et la philosophie de la crise”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  5. Ioan Ciprian Bursuc, “Alexandru Dragomir’s Quest for Identity”,  Meta, Vol. XI, No. 2,  2019
  6. Emanuel Copilaș, “Coping with the Unconscious. Hegel and Psychoanalysis”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  7. Florin Crîșmăreanu, “Philosophie et théologie chez Saint Maxime le Confesseur. Sur l’impossibilité d’une approche interdisciplinaire”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  8. Camelia Grădinaru, “Digital Media – between Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  9. Lavinia-Alexandra Grijac, “Lac, non escam. Interpretations of I Cor. 3:2 in patristic and medieval philosophy”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  10. Emanuel Grosu, “The Heliocentrism of the Ancient: between Geometry and Physics”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  11. Bogdan Guguianu,  “Classical Style as Achievement of the Living Philosophy” (Book review),  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  12. Florina Rodica Hariga, “Concepts, Senses and Interpretations in the Works of Joachim of Fiore Regarding the Lombardian Critique of the Doctrine of the Trinity”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  13. Stefan Ionescu, PromoveazÇŽ Aristotel egoismul etic în Etica Nicomahică?,  Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, anul XI, nr. 1, 2019
  14. Chris Octavian Ionita, Meontologia lui Sartre – Geneza unei probleme fenomenologice,  Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, anul XI, nr. 1, 2019
  15. Andrei-Tudor Man, “The Role of Divination in the Stoic System”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  16. Cristian Moisuc, “Philosophie et théologie – une synthí¨se patristique” (Book review),  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019
  17. Dragos Popescu, Filosofia sistematică în era ciberneticii sau despre ontologia lui Constantin Noica,  Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, anul XI, nr. 1, 2019
  18. Gerard Stan, “Réseaux sans échelle dans l’architecture de la connaissance. Une lecture interdisciplinaire”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 23, 2019

C) Studii in volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Anton Adămuț, “Despre «clavis Homerica” și urmările ei », in:  Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  2. Cristian Bodea,  “The Body Makes Sense. A Phenomenology of Ego and I in Conjunction with Psychoanalysis”, in:  Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  3. Virgil Ciomoș, “Phénoménologie et psychanalyse. Pour une nouvelle architectonique du phénomí¨ne”, in:  Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  4. Livia Dioșan, “Psychic Reality and the Name of the Father. Emmanuel Lévinas’s Phenomenology between Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan”, in:  Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  5. István Fazakas,  “Le Labyrinthe d’air. La structure des fantasmes dans l’anthropologie phénoménologique de Marc Richir”, in:  Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  6. Cornelia Margareta Gășpărel, “Realități etice privind reprezentativitatea limbii române în clasamentele academice internaționale”, in:  Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  7. Bogdan Guguianu, “Opoziție și conciliere în fatalismul eschilian: un “Prometeu înlănțuit” și totuși liber”,  in:  Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  8. Rodica Pop, ” «Agnostos Theos »  – despre prima întâlnire a creștinului cu filosofia greacă”,  in:  Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  9. Delia Popa,  “Subjects of Desire. Time, Mourning, and Melancholia”, in:  Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  10. Cosmin-Florentin Spaschi, “Condiția poeților în cultura clasică greacă: Homer și disputa Platon-Aristotel”, in:  Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020

D) Traduceri

  1. Gérard Bensussan,  Ce este filosofia evreiască?, traducere de Gabriela Cocora Ticu, Editura Hasefer, 2019
  2. Immanuel Kant,  Critica rațiunii pure, Editura Paideia, traducere  si studiu introductiv de  Rodica  Croitoru, Editura Paideia, 2019
  3. Alexander Schnell,  Ce este fenomenul?,  traducere de Remus Breazu, Editura Ratio et Revelation, 2019

E) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în țară

  1. Forms of Cosmological Thinking in the Early Modern Period,  ICUB-Humanities, Bucharest, 19 December 2019
  2. Alexandre Kojí¨ve: de la antropologia filosofică la filosofia istoriei, New Europe College, 21 February, 2020

A) Apel la contribuții pentru reviste academice

  1. CfP: Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence.  Special Edition on Conflict and Violence in Plato’s Philosophy. Deadline for abstracts: April 1, 2020
  2. CfP:  The Annals of the University of Bucharest. The Philosophy of the Philokalia.  Philosophy Series. Extended Deadline for Abstracts: April 1, 2020
  3. CfP: Studia UBB Philosophia (Issue 3/2020).  Knowledge-that/knowledge-how: between phenomenology and analytic philosophy. Deadline for papers:  September  15th, 2020

B) Apel la contribuții pentru conferințe și colocvii academice

  1. CFP:  Heavens on Trial. Venice and the Venetian Alps, June 15-20, 2020. Deadline for abstracts:  February 10.
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Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 637 (November 2024)

Newsletter Archive Number 637 (November 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books...