Newsletter for phenomenology – issue 351 / 23 April – 7 May 2011
issue 351 / 23 April – 7 May 2011 You can see this issue on the web at the following page: How does this newsletter work? By making use of the information received from you! Please send your announcements at our address, including a link to a website where our readers can find the extended information. Please send only information related to phenomenology!
OPO IV / 2011: Reason and Life. The Responsibility of Philosophy. 19 – 23 September 2011, Segovia, Spain
- ICNAP III : The Curious Image: Phenomenological Thoughts on Photography. 6-8 May 2011, Arlington, VA [Program]
- Heidegger Circle Meeting 2011. 6-8 May 2011, Marquette University [Program]
- Colloque International: Totalité et Infini, une oeuvre de ruptures. 9 au 11 mai 2011, Paris [EN Presentation]
- Journée d’études internationale des Archives Husserl: Qu’est-ce que la littérature ? Merleau-Ponty et la philosophie í l’épreuve de l’écriture (I). 14 mai 2011, ENS, Paris
- Graduate conference in Phenomenology: The Ends of Phenomenology. 19-20 May 2011, Sussex University, UK
- Conference: Heidegger. Natur – Kunst – Technik/ Heidegger. Nature – Art – Technology. 25-28 May 2011, Messkirch, Germany. [REVISED PROGRAM]
- V Convegno Internazionale di Fenomenologia: Edmund Husserl – Edith Stein. Fenomenologia Antropologia Religione. 26-27 maggio 2011, Universití degli Studi di Bari
- Cologne-Leuven Summer-School in Phenomenology 2011: Subjectivity – in Husserl’s Phenomenology. 18-22 July 2011, University of Cologne
- Colloque international: Retrouver un sens nouveau : Rencontrer l’imprévisible. 5-7 juillet 2011, Université de Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail (salle du Château)
- The European Research Network TESIS (Towards an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity) has a number of PhD positions opened. Closing date: 31st of May
- Rolf Kühn, Natur und Leben. Entwurf einer aisthetischen Proto-Kosmologie, Verlag Karl Alber
- A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Transcendentalism Overturned. From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics, Springer
- Alexander Schnell, Hinaus. Entwürfe zu einer phí¤nomenologischen Metaphysik und Anthropologie, Königshausen & Neumann
- Wolfram Hogrebe & Dagfinn Fí¸llesdal (Hg.), Nicht-materielle Gegenstí¤nde. Ontologie und Erkenntnis. Mit einer Laudatio von Günter Abel, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Perrine Marthelot (Dir.), S’orienter dans le langage: l’indexicalité, Publications de la Sorbonne
- Leonard Lawlor, Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy, IU Press
- Mikel Dufrenne, Phénoménologie de l’expérience esthétique, PUF
sponsored by: OPO
Organization of the
Phenomenological Organizations
editor: Cristian Ciocan
assist: Ramona Cristea
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