Call for Papers Metodo vol.12/2 : Ethics, climate and the environment Deadline: 30th Nov 2023 Palgrave Handbook of phenomenology and literature Deadline: 1st Dec 2023 Studia Heideggeriana vol.13 : Life - Praxis - Emotions Deadline: 15th Dec 2023 Back to the Things...
NEW ISSUE: Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 23/ 2023: Phenomenologies of the Image
[PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE] Emmanuel Alloa & Cristian Ciocan, Phenomenologies of the Image: Editors’ Introduction [OPEN ACCESS] Seyran Sam, The Limits of Imagination in Husserl Abstract: This paper attempts to examine imagination with respect to its two poles and argues...
Mihai Ometiță, “Temptations of Purity: Phenomenological Language and Immediate Experience”, in: Florian Franken Figueiredo (ed.), Wittgenstein’s Philosophy in 1929, Routledge, 2023.
The book explores the impact of manuscript remarks during the year 1929 on the development of Wittgenstein’s thought. Although its intention is to put the focus specifically on the manuscripts, the book is not purely exegetical. The contributors generate important new...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 7-9 (210-212) / iulie – septembrie 2023
I. PREZENȚE INTERNAȚIONALE A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate Sorin Baiasu, Mark Timmons (eds.), The Kantian Mind, Routledge, 2023. Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, L’Avènement de la métaphysique kantienne, Classiques Garnier, 2023. Tinca...
PROGRAM: Phenomenology and the Limits of Experience (21–23 September 2023, University of Bucharest)
Click here for the Conference Program
Christian Ferencz-Flatz, “The Eidetics of the Unimaginable. What a Phenomenologist can Learn from Ethnomethodology”, Human Studies, Volume 46, 2023.
This paper discusses the phenomenological method’s reliance on imaginative procedures in view of ethnomethodological research. While ethnomethodology has often been seen in continuity with Alfred Schütz’ phenomenological sociology, it mainly parts ways with...
Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 620-621 (June-July 2023)
Call for Papers Studia Phaenomenologica vol.24 : Phenomenology and the sciences Deadline: 1st Sep 2023 IV Jornadas Internacionales Michel Henry (2nd - 4th November 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina) Deadline: 10th Sep 2023 Metodo vol.12/1 : Ontology and phenomenology of...
Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 5-6 (208-209) / mai – iunie 2023
I. PREZENȚE INTERNAȚIONALE A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate Jean-Jacques Chardin, Sorana Corneanu et Richard Somerset (dir.), Ordering Knowledge: Disciplinarity and the Shaping of European Modernity, Presses universitaires de...
Ion Copoeru, “Die Funktion der Analogie in der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblematik”, in: Dietmar Koch, Alina Noveanu, Niels Weidtmann (Hg.), Analogie. Neuere Auseinandersetzungen mit einem philosophischen Schlüsselphänomen, Alber, 2023.
Die Analogie (lat. proportio) ist für die Antike das erkenntnistheoretische Prinzip par excellence. Platon nennt sie das „schönste Band“, das den Kosmos zusammenhält. Für Aristoteles sollen Analogien zwischen verschiedenen Arten und Gattungen ein besseres Verständnis...
Virgil Ciomoş, “Das Physische, physiologische und analogische in der aristotelischen Beschreibung der Sinneswahrnehmung”, in: Dietmar Koch, Alina Noveanu, Niels Weidtmann (Hg.), Analogie. Neuere Auseinandersetzungen mit einem philosophischen Schlüsselphänomen, Alber, 2023.
Die Analogie (lat. proportio) ist für die Antike das erkenntnistheoretische Prinzip par excellence. Platon nennt sie das „schönste Band“, das den Kosmos zusammenhält. Für Aristoteles sollen Analogien zwischen verschiedenen Arten und Gattungen ein besseres Verständnis...
Nicolae Turcan, “The Phenomenology of Prayer and the Relationship between Phenomenology and Theology”, Religions 14(1), 2023.
The present article analyzes the relationship between phenomenology and theology, starting from some examples of the phenomenology of prayer. First, the article presents the phenomenology of prayer in the writings of phenomenologists such as Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Yves...
Cristian Ciocan, “Witnessing as an Existential Phenomenon”, Laval théologique et philosophique, Volume 79, Number 1, 2023.
In this article, I propose an exploration of the phenomenon of testimony. I argue that the phenomenological viewpoint makes possible an integrative approach to testimony, understood as a phenomenon that engages the entire existential structure of the subject,...