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Catalina Condruz – Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia (Human Studies, 2019)

This article seeks to provide a phenomenological inquiry into schizophrenia through which I propose to bring to the fore the  mental violence  exercised against the self in the case of a psychotic patient. My main aim is to show that a phenomenological analysis of mental illness, interpreted as a disintegration of the ego, can be very fruitful for understanding violence in general because it raises fundamental questions concerning intersubjectivity, intentionality, and self-awareness. In order to accomplish this objective, I will take as my point of departure a case study of mental illness as presented by the analyst Marguerite Sechehaye, and I will explore, first, the phenomenological implications of the disintegration of the ego, and second, the dynamics of the reconstruction of the ego. Third, I will address the question whether mental illness is a form of violence against the self, sketching an answer by interpreting the transition from the disintegration of the ego to its reconstruction as an elevation from a poor phenomenon to a saturated phenomenon. Finally, I will suggest how opening a dialogue between phenomenology and psychoanalysis can contribute to understanding the phenomenon of mental violence.

Raport de activitate 2021–2024

Stimați membri ai Societății Române de Fenomenologie, Dragi colegi, Vă prezentăm în cele ce urmează principalele activități și proiecte derulate în perioada 2021–2024 sub egida Societății Române de Fenomenologie, precum și alte informații relevante. Am grupat aceste...