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Cristian Ciocan – Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence (Human Studies, volume 43, 2020)

Violence is a pervasive dimension of our individual and social existence. No one can deny such an evidence, precisely during these troubled times of social unrest. The unanimous feeling that we are living in an increasingly violent world, full of rage and anger, is more and more tormenting. Not only our past is full of violence as well as our present, but also we cannot have high expectations regarding a peaceful future. There is no need to mention the countless instances of violence worldwide-each one having its own grounds and simultaneously generating new violences, with their always-particular contexts and their multi-stratified implications-in order to enhance our “catastrophic sensitivity”. Even for those who are somewhat sheltered from actual aggression, just seeing it on TV or Internet from a quasi-safe distance, violence is still an indisputable and a deeply disturbing menace. Indeed, any such circumstantially “sheltered” situation is by definition unstable and it can switch over, at any time, into its opposite. For even if, in the particular context we live in, violence is not an  actual  one (it happens “somewhere else,” “out there,” or to “someone else”), and even if it is not  imminent  (as in a perceptible and definite threat), violence is always  latent  and, as such, it can at any time re-emerge and suddenly explode in our face. In fact, existential and social peace seems to be only a very fragile crust, and it can at any moment be shattered by appalling crimes terrifying the public space, by street clashes of all kinds, by terrorist attacks, or by the horrors of war.

This  latency  of violence-a diffuse presence of a non-actuality-seems to constitute the special atmosphere in which our concerned  thinking of violence  takes place. More precisely, violence does not primarily challenge our thought when it is given as an  actual  event that we are currently confronting and dramatically experiencing in our lives, but rather when we understand it as a  latent  phenomenon, which, from its more or less diffuse presence, constantly menaces the erratic balance of our daily existence. For, in a “real” situation of violence, our main preoccupation would be rather to escape and survive (“how to evade violence,” “how to get rid of the one who attacks me”), and less  to question  the violence “in itself,” in “what it is,” “how it is,” or “why it is what it is”. It is in this sense that the pressing  latency  of violence (its  eventuality  and not its  actuality) nourishes and sharpens our increasing reflective awareness of this phenomenon. This  latency  (experienced as a diffuse atmosphere, or as a climate of violence) is constituted by remembering past traumatic experiences, by diffuse anticipations or apprehensions of future violences, as well as by the multifarious imagistic givenness of violence. Thus, the first phenomenological difference to draw would not be that between violence and non-violence (or between violence and counter-violence, or between legitimate and illegitimate violence), but that between “latent  violence” and “actual  violence”. And it is precisely the volatile dynamic of violence from  latency  to  imminence  and to  actuality that accentuates, more and more, our pressing meditative concern regarding the phenomenology of violence. Accordingly, only when violence is not simply absent, but latent (a kind of “present absence” or an “absent presence”), can emerge the philosophical preoccupation to understand it, to decipher its code and, eventually, to explore its phenomenological structures, such as the genesis of the adversative intersubjectivity, the vulnerability of our embodiment, the inflammation of affectivity, its peculiar temporality, or its specific spatiality. [Fulltext Open Access]

Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 637 (November 2024)

Newsletter Archive Number 637 (November 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books...