NEWS | Romanian Philosophy Newsletter

Romanian Philosophy Newsletter – No. 12 bis (177)  / Retrospective Year 2020


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Pentru următoarele numere ale buletinului informativ de filozofie românească, vă rugăm să trimiteți informațiile la adresa





  1. Sorin Bangu,  Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge.  Approaches from Philosophy, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Routledge, 2020
  2. Stefan Bolea,  Internal Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Reading the Jungian Shadow, Rowman & Littlefield, 2020
  3. Adrian Brasoveanu, Jakub Dotlačil,  Computational Cognitive Modeling and Linguistic Theory, Springer, 2020
  4. Aniela-Ioana Corlăteanu,  Dialogue and Argumentation in the Public Space, Sciendo, 2020
  5. Ioan Emanuel Gruia,  Existential-Phenomenological Support Groups Addressed to Parents, Lambert  Academic Publishing, 2020
  6. Georgiana Huian,  Augustin.  Le coeur et la crise du sujet, Éditions du Cerf, 2020
  7. Nicolae Iuga,  Essays on Suicide,  Lambert  Academic Publishing, 2020
  8. Adrian Rezuș,  Witness Theory, College Publications, 2020
  9. Adrian Razvan  Sandru,  íœbermaíŸ und Widerstand.  Zum Begriff einer dynamischen Erfahrung, Springer, 2020
  10. Constantin Salavastru,  Quand philosopher, c’est questionner.  Revue internationale de philosophie, De Boeck Supérieur, 2020.



  1. Iulian Apostolescu (ed.),  The Subject(s) of Phenomenology, Routledge, 2020
  2. Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo (eds.),  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  3. Monica  Brinzei, C. Schabel (eds.),  Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences, Brepols, 2020
  4. Dragos Calma (ed.),  Reading Proclus and the  Book of Causes, Volume 2, Brill, 2020
  5. Cristian Ciocan (ed.),  The Modalizations of Violence (Human Studies, Volume 43, Issue 2), Springer 2020
  6. Mara-Daria Cojocaru, Michael Reder et al. (Hg.),  Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive,  Verlag Karl Alber, 2020
  7. Ana-Maria Cretu, Michela Massimi (eds.),  Knowledge from a Human Point of View, Springer, 2020
  8. Madalina Diaconu, Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Hrsg.),  Environmental Ethics: Cross-cultural Explorations, Alber, 2020
  9. Mircea Dumitru (ed.),  Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality, Oxford University Press, 2020
  10. Anca Gheaus, Sabine Hohl (eds.),  Moral Philosophy and Politics, Band 7, Heft 2: Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights, De Gruyter, 2020
  11. Mihaela Mihai,  Mathias Thaler (eds.),  Political Violence and the Imagination, Routledge, 2020
  12. Dana L. Munteanu, Pierre Destrée, Malcolm Heath (eds.),  The Poetics in its Aristotelian Context, Routledge, 2020
  13. Adrian Rezus (ed.),  Contemporary Logic and Computing, College Publications, 2020
  14. Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  15. Olivia Sultanescu (ed.),  Revue canadienne de philosophie, Volume 59 – Issue 2. Book Symposium: Donald Davidson’s Triangulation Argument, Cambridge University Press, 2020
  16. Alexandru Surdu, Niels í–ffenberger, Marius Augustin Draghici, Oana Vasilescu (Hrsg.),  Moderne aristotelische Forschungsergebnisse in Rumí¤nien, Olms, 2020
  17. Maria Șerban, Sune Holm (eds.),  Philosophical Perspectives on the Engineering Approach in Biology, Routledge, 2020
  18. Andrei  Timotin,  P. Hoffmann  (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols, 2020
  19. Andrei Timotin, Alain Le Boulluec, Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete (ed.),  Exégí¨se, révélation et formation des dogmes dans l’Antiquité tardive,  Institut d’études augustiniennes, 2020


  1. Andreea Smaranda Aldea, “Modality Matters: Imagination as Consciousness of Possibilities and Husserl’s Transcendental-Historical Eidetics”,  Husserl Studies, 2020
  2. István Aranyosi, “Mental Time Travel and Disjunctivism”,  Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2020
  3. Diana Arghirescu, “Spiritual Discipline, Emotions, and Behavior during the Song Dynasty: Zhu Xi’s and Qisong’s Commentaries on the Zhongyong in Comparative Perspective”,  Philosophy East and West,  Volume 70, Number 1, January 2020
  4. Diana Arghirescu, “Song Neo-Confucian Conceptions of Morality and Moral Sources (Zhu Xi): Connections with Chan Buddhism”,  Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2020
  5. Tudor M. Baetu, “Causal inference in biomedical research”,  Biology & Philosophy, Volume 35, 2020
  6. Raul-Ovidiu Bodea, “Imago Dei  as a critique of capitalism and Marxism in Nikolai Berdyaev”,  Studies in East European Thought, 2020
  7. Remus Breazu, “The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  8. Cristian Ciocan, “Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  9. Cristian Ciocan, “Violence and Affectivity”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  10. Mara”Daria Cojocaru, “Doing Ethics or Changing for the Better?”,  Metaphilosophy, 2020
  11. Cătălina Condruz, “Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  12. Ion Copoeru, “Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  13. Emanuel Copilas, “Slayer and psychoanalysis”,  Metal Music Studies, Volume 6, Number 1,  2020
  14. Alin Cristoph Cucu, “Book review: Henry P. Stapp – Quantum Theory and Free Will: How Mental Intentions Translate into Bodily Actions”,  Philosophia Christi, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2020
  15. Răzvan Diaconescu, “Introducing H, an Institution-Based Formal Specification and Verification Language”,  Logica Universalis, Volume 14, 2020
  16. Bogdan Diaconescu, “Old Topics, New Formulations: Khaṇḍadeva and Navyanyāya (Studies in Vedic Hermeneutics in Early Modern India, 1)”,  Journal of Indian Philosophy, 2020
  17. Bogdan Dicher, “Ask not what bilateralist intuitionists can do for Cut, but what Cut can do for bilateralist intuitionism”,  Analysis, Volume 80, Issue 1, January 2020
  18. Bogdan Dicher, “Hopeful Monsters: A Note on Multiple Conclusions”,  Erkenntnis, Volume 85, 2020
  19. Mihnea Dobre, “Book review: Andrea Strazzoni – Dutch Cartesianism and the Birth of Philosophy of Science: From Regius to ‘s Gravesande”,  Hopos.  The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 2020
  20. Mihnea Dobre, “Jacques Rohault’s Mathematical Physics”,  Hopos.  The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 2020
  21. Mihnea Dobre, “Book review: John N. Martin – The Cartesian semantics of the Port Royal logic: Routledge studies in seventeenth-century philosophy”,  British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2020
  22. Adelin-Costin Dumitru, “Rescuing sufficientarianism from itself”,  South African Journal of Philosophy,  Volume 39, 2020
  23. Crina Galita, “The Status of the Quadrivium in the Corpus on Logic of the Brethren of Purity (Iḫwān aá¹£-á¹¢afā’)”,  Theory of Science, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2020
  24. Laura Georgescu, “Book review: Margaret Cavendish – Essential Writings” (),  Hobbes Studies, Band 33,    Ausgabe 1, 2020
  25. Anca Gheaus,  Sabine Hohl, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights”,  Moral Philosophy and Politics,  Band 7,  Heft 2:  Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights, De Gruyter, 2020
  26. Camil Golub, “Is there a Good Moral Argument against Moral Realism?”,  Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2020
  27. Nora Grigore, “Extensions, Numbers and Frege’s Project of Logic as Universal Language”,  Axiomathes, Volume 30, 2020
  28. Razvan Ioan, “Descartes’s Turn to the Body”,  Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2020
  29. Razvan Ioan, “‘Physio-psychology’: Nietzsche’s mixed discourse”,  South African Journal of Philosophy,  Volume 39, 2020
  30. Razvan Ioan, “Self-Love in Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra”,  The European Legacy, 2020
  31. Lucian Ionel, “Self-Consciousness as a Living Kind: On the Fourth Chapter of Hegel’s Phenomenology”,  Hegel Bulletin, 2020
  32. Cristina Ionescu, “Images and Paradigms in Plato’s  Sophist  and  Statesman“,  Ancient Philosophy, Volume 40, Issue 2,  2020
  33. Dana Jalobeanu, “Enacting recipes: Giovan Battista Della Porta and Francis Bacon on technologies, experiments, and processes of nature”,  in:  Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  34. Dana Jalobeanu, Oana Matei, “Treating plants as laboratories: A chemical natural history of vegetation in 17th”century England”,  in:  Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  35. Dana Jalobeanu, “Experiments in the Making: Instruments and Forms of Quantification in Francis Bacon’s  Historia Densi et Rari“,  Early Science and Medicine,  Band 25,  Ausgabe 4, 2020
  36. Ciprian Jeler, “A Note Against the Use of ‘Belonging To’  Properties in Multilevel Selection Theory”,  Acta Biotheoretica, 2020
  37. Ciprian Jeler, “Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  38. Ciprian Jeler, “Explanatory goals and explanatory means in multilevel selection theory”,  History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2020
  39. Lavinia Marin, Sean Sturm, -˜Why aren’t you taking any notes?’ On note-taking as a collective gesture”,  Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2020
  40. Lavinia Marin, “Three contextual dimensions of information on social media: lessons learned from the COVID-19 infodemic”,  Ethics and Information Technology, 2020
  41. Paul Marinescu, “Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension-Violence and Non-violence”,  Human Studies,  Volume 43, Issue 2,  2020
  42. Oana Matei, “Experimenting with Matter in the Works of Gabriel Plattes”,  Perspectives on Science,  Volume 28, No. 3, 2020
  43. Andrei Mărășoiu, “Justified by Thought Alone”,  Logos & Episteme 11 (2), 2020
  44. Andrei Ionuț Mărășoiu, “Defending the Good Dog Picture of Virtues”,  Organon F, Volume 27,  Issue 4,  2020
  45. Mihaela Mihai, “The Hero’s Silences: Vulnerability, Complicity, Ambivalence”,  Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2020
  46. Emilian Mihailov et al., “Experimental Philosophical Bioethics”,  AJOB Empirical Bioethics, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2020
  47. Iuliu-Marius Morariu, “Nicolas Berdyaev – The philosophical and political relevance of a spiritual autobiography”,  Theological Studies, Vol 76, No 1, 2020
  48. Alin Olteanu, Cary Campbell, Sebastian Feil, “Naturalizing Models: New Perspectives in a Peircean Key”,  Biosemiotics, 2020
  49. Elena Popa, “Mental health, normativity, and local knowledge in global perspective”,  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2020
  50. Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, “Taking Back Control of Words”,  Grazer Philosophische Studien,  Band 97,  Ausgabe 1,  Special Issue: Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs, edited by Bianca Cepollaro and Dan Zeman, 2020
  51. Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu, “Giovan Battista Della Porta and Francis Bacon on the creative power of experimentation”, in:  Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  52. Doina”Cristina Rusu, “Using instruments in the study of animate beings: Della Porta’s and Bacon’s experiments with plants”,  in:  Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  53. Doina”Cristina Rusu, “Book review: Omodeo Pietro Daniel – Bernardino Telesio and the natural sciences in the Renaissance”,  in:  Doina”Cristina Rusu, Dana Jalobeanu (eds.),  Centaurus. Special Issue: The creative power of experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta,  Volume 62, Issue 3, 2020
  54. Constantin Salavastru, “Présence d’un problí¨me: le questionnement”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  55. Constantin Salavastru, “Le signe de l’évacuation d’un problí¨me : le refoulement”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  56. Constantin Salavastru, “La résolution d’un problí¨me ou l’effectivité”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  57. Constantin Salavastru, “Le signe de la persistance d’un problí¨me : la déduction ou inférence problématologique”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  58. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement de l’íŠtre: entité ou fonction?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  59. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement du réel : réel ou fictionnel?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  60. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement du monde : monde en soi ou monde hors de soi?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  61. Adrian Razvan Sandru,  “The Role of the Sublime in Kant’s Religion: Moral Motivation and Empirical Possibility”,  Kantian Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2020
  62. Claudia Serban,  “Die Erfahrungen des Unmöglichen. Radikalisierungen der Phí¤nomenologie, Michel Henry und Jean-Luc Marion”,  Phí¤nomenologische Forschungen,  Heft 2, 2020
  63. Mona Simion, “A priori perceptual entitlement, knowledge”first”,  Philosophical Issues,  Volume 30, Issue 1, 2020
  64. Ovidiu Stanciu, “Bei der Radikalisierung von phénoménologie chez Eugen Fink”,  Phí¤nomenologische Forschungen, Heft 2, 2020
  65. Olivia Sultanescu, “Introduction”, in:  Olivia Sultanescu (ed.),  Revue canadienne de philosophie, Volume 59 – Issue 2. Book Symposium: Donald Davidson’s Triangulation Argument, Cambridge University Press, 2020
  66. Nicolae Turcan, “Religious Call in Eastern Orthodox Spirituality: A Theo-Phenomenological Approach”,  Religions 11(12), 2020
  67. Ionut Untea, “From Sacrifice to Gift: Aesthetic and Moral Aspects of the Experience of Awe for the Natural Environment”,  The Journal of Aesthetic Education,  Volume 54, Number 1, Spring 2020
  68. Ionut Untea, “Where Human and Divine Intimacy Meet: an Insight into the Theodicy of Marilyn McCord Adams”,  Sophia, 2020
  69. Ionut Untea, “Hauerwas and the Ontological Dynamics of the Church as a Political Community”,  Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Volume 54, Number 4, 2020
  70. Ionut Untea, “Samson, Antigone, and the charismatic agonistes: From a ‘pro”power’  to a ‘pro”existence’  political engagement”,  The Philosophical Forum,  Volume 51, Issue 4, 2020
  71. Anca Vasiliu, “Périchorí¨se de la foi dans le De Fide de Jean Damascí¨ne. L’hypostase des choses espérées”,  Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité (EAA 206): Gení¨ses antiques et médiévales de la foi, Brepols, 2020
  72. Anca Vasiliu, “L’émoi et l’évidence. Des échos du  Phí¨dre  dans le traité  Du sublime“,  Les Études philosophiques,  N ° 204, 2020
  73. Marilena Vlad, “Damascius on Self-Constituted Realities”,  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 2020
  74. Marilena Vlad, “Socrates’ Apology and the Philosophical Art of Divination: the Delphic Oracle”,  The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2020
  75. Cristina Voinea, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov, Julian Savulescu, “The Internet as Cognitive Enhancement”,  Science and Engineering Ethics, 2020
  76. Dan Zeman, Bianca Cepollaro, “The Challenge from Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs”,  Grazer Philosophische Studien,  Band 97,  Ausgabe 1,  Special Issue: Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs, edited by Bianca Cepollaro and Dan Zeman, 2020
  77. Dan Zeman, “Minimal Disagreement”,  Philosophia 48, 2020
  78. Dan Zeman, “Subject-Contextualism and the Meaning of Gender Terms”,  Journal of Social Ontology, De Gruyter, 2020
  79. Dan Zeman, “Invariantist, Contextualist, and Relativist Accounts of Gender Terms”,  EurAmerica: A Journal of European and American Studies, Volume 50, Nr. 4, 2020



  1. Maria Alina Asavei, “The art and politics of imagination: remembering mass violence against women”, in:  Mihaela Mihai,  Mathias Thaler (eds.),  Political Violence and the Imagination, Routledge, 2020
  2. Roxana Baiasu, “Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Schematism”, in: Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo (eds.),  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  3. Sorin Baiasu,  Alberto Vanzo, “Kant and the Continental Tradition”, in:  Sorin Baiasu, Alberto Vanzo,  Kant and the Continental Tradition, Routledge, 2020
  4. Sorin Baiasu, “Sartre and the Transcendental Tradition”, in: Matthew C. Eshleman, Constance L. Mui (eds.),  The Sartrean Mind, Routledge, 2020
  5. Alexandru  Baltag (et al.), “Causal Agency and Responsibility: A Refinement of STIT Logic”,    in: Alessandro Giordani, Jacek Malinowski (eds.),  Logic in High Definition, 2021
  6. Elena Băltuță, “Selective Attention Beyond Activity: Robert Kilwardby’s Theory of Perception”, in:  Véronique Decaix, Ana Marí­a  Mora-Márquez (eds.),  Active Cognition, Springer, 2020
  7. Liviu Bordaș, “Reception of India, Encounters with Hindus, and Acculturation of Hindu-Inspired Ideas and Practices”, in:  Knut A. Jacobsen,  Ferdinando Sardella (eds.),  Handbook of Hinduism in Europe, Brill, 2020
  8. Adrian Briciu, “Compositionality in Truth-Conditional Pragmatics”, in: Tadeusz Ciecierski, PaweÅ‚  Grabarczyk (eds.),  The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity, Springer, 2020
  9. Monica Brinzei, “Epilogue: Commentaries on the  Sentences  in Paris around 1370″, in:  M. Brinzei, C. Schabel (eds.),  Philosophical Psychology in Late-Medieval Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences, Brepols, 2020
  10. Denisa Butnaru, “Bewegung ++: Von Behinderung zu Optimierung”, in:  Melike Sahinol, Christopher Coenen, Raoul  Motika (Hrsg.),  Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper, Springer, 2020
  11. Viorel Cernica, “Nae Ionescu and the Origins of Phenomenology in Romania”, in:  Witold PÅ‚otka, Patrick Eldridge (eds.),  Early Phenomenology in Central and Eastern Europe, Springer, 2020
  12. Sorana Corneanu, “Joseph Glanvill on Imagination, Method and the Art of Thinking”, in: Gideon  Manning (ed.),  Testimonies: States of Mind and States of the Body in the Early Modern Period, Springer, 2020
  13. Christian Coseru, “Reasons and Conscious Persons”, in:  Andrea Sauchelli (ed.),  Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons, Routledge, 2020
  14. Florin Crismareanu, “Jean Scot Érigí¨ne. Entre l’apophatisme dionysien et la christologie maximienne”, in:  Sebastian Hüsch, Isabelle Koch, Philipp Thomas (Hrsg.),  Negative Knowledge,  Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2020
  15. Madalina Diaconu, “Von prí¤moderner Naturliebe zum (trans)nationalen Umweltaktivismus: Der Fall Rumí¤nien”, in: Madalina Diaconu, Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Hrsg.),  Environmental Ethics: Cross-cultural Explorations, Alber, 2020
  16. Madalina Diaconu, “Material Events, Vibrant Essences and Resonant Atmospheres: An Approach to Perfumery in the Light of Contemporary Aesthetics”, in: Zoltan Szomhegyi, Max Ryyní¤nen (eds.),  Aesthetics in Dialogue. Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World, Peter Lang, 2020
  17. Marius Dorobantu, “Will Robots Too Be in the Image of God? Artificial Consciousness and Imago Dei in Westworld”, in: Juli Gittinger, Shayna Sheinfeld (eds.),  Theology and Westworld, Rowman & Littlefield, 2020
  18. Mircea Dumitru, “Kit Fine: A Philosopher’s Philosopher”, in:  Mircea Dumitru,  Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality, Oxford University Press, 2020
  19. Ramona Fotiade, “Lev Shestov: The Meaning of Life and the Critique of Scientific Knowledge”, in:  Caryl Emerson, George Pattison,  Randall A. Poole (eds.),  The Oxford Handbook of Russian Religious Thought, Oxford University Press, 2020
  20. Victor Eugen Gelan, “Husserl’s Idea of Rigorous Science and Its Relevance for the Human and Social Sciences”, in:  Iulian Apostolescu (ed.),  The Subject(s) of Phenomenology, Routledge, 2020
  21. Smaranda Marculescu, “Rationnel et irrationnel dans les propos philoniens sur la prophétie et la divination”, in:  Jérí´me Moreau und Olivier Munnich (eds.),  Religion et rationalité: Philon d’Alexandrie et sa postérité, Brill, 2020
  22. Lavinia Marin, “University Lecturing as a Technique of Collective Imagination: On Seeing Things as If They Had Taken a Bodily Form”, in:  Naomi Hodgson, Joris Vlieghe, Piotr Zamojski  (eds.),  Post-critical Perspectives on Higher Education, Springer, 2020
  23. Lavinia Marin, Sabine Roeser, “Emotions and Digital Well-Being: The Rationalistic Bias of Social Media Design in Online Deliberations”, in:  Christopher Burr, Luciano Floridi (eds.),  Ethics of Digital Well-Being, Springer, 2020
  24. Mihaela Mihai, “Understanding complicity: memory, hope and the imagination”, in:  Mihaela Mihai,  Mathias Thaler (eds.),  Political Violence and the Imagination, Routledge, 2020
  25. Dana L. Munteanu, “Varieties of Characters: The Better, the Worse, and the Like”, in:  The Poetics in its Aristotelian Context, Routledge, 2020
  26. Dana L. Munteanu, “Varieties of Characters: The Better, the Worse, and the Like”, in:  Dana L. Munteanu, Pierre Destrée, Malcolm Heath (eds.),  The Poetics in its Aristotelian Context, Routledge, 2020
  27. Mihai Ometiță, “Filmmaking and Philosophizing Against the Grain of Theory: Herzog and Wittgenstein”, in: Blake Wilson, Cristopher Turner (eds.),  The Philosophy of Werner Herzog, Rowman & Littlefield, 2020
  28. Delia Popa, “Under Interpellation: Phenomenology, Anthropology and Politics”, in:  Peter Å ajda (Hrsg.),  Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures, Brill, 2020
  29. Adrian Robu, “Le culte des héros dans l’Antiquité tardive : autour des épigrammes de Mégare IG VII 52-53”, in:  P. Hoffmann, A. Timotin (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  30. Gabriel Sandu, “Indefinites, Skolem Functions, and Arbitrary Objects”, in:  Mircea Dumitru (ed.),  Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality, Oxford University Press, 2020
  31. Mona Simion,  Martin Miragoli, “Gender and Group Disagreements”, in:  Fernando Broncano-Berrocal, J. Adam Carter (eds.),  The Epistemology of Group Disagreement, Routledge, 2020
  32. Ovidiu Stanciu,  Bernardo Ainbinder, “Metabolé des Vorprí¤dikativen. Faktizití¤t und die ontischen Wurzeln der Prí¤dikation”, in:  Chiara Pasqualin, Maria Agustina Sforza (Hg.),  Das Vorprí¤dikative.  Perspektiven im Ausgang von Heidegger,  Karl Alber, 2020
  33. Ovidiu Stanciu, “Le monde et l’Ouvert. Heidegger, Rilke et le regard de la créature”, in:  Karel Novotní½ & Cathrin Nielsen (Hrsg.),  Die Welt und das Reale, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2020
  34. Claudia Șerban, “íœberraschung als Sí¤ttigung und Sí¤ttigung als íœberrraschung”, in:  Michael Staudigl (Hrsg.),  Der Primat der Gegebenheit, Alber Verlag, 2020
  35. Claudia Șerban, “Jean-Luc Marion. Phí¤nomenologie reiner Gegebenheit”, in: Tobias Keiling (Hg.),  Phí¤nomenologische Metaphysik, Mohr Siebeck, 2020
  36. Claudia Șerban, “Modalités de l’expérience du monde dans la phénoménologie de Husserl”,  in:  Karel Novotní½ & Cathrin Nielsen (Hrsg.),  Die Welt und das Reale, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2020
  37. Maria Șerban, Sara Green, “Biological Robustness: Design, Organization and Mechanism”, in: Maria Șerban, Sune Holm (eds.),  Philosophical Perspectives on the Engineering Approach in Biology, Routledge, 2020
  38. Andrei Timotin, “Εὐχή et πάθος chez Porphyre et Hermogí¨ne de Tarse”,  in:  P. Hoffmann, A. Timotin (eds.),  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  39. Gabriel Vacariu,  Mihai Vacariu, “Rethinking “Dark Matter” within the Epistemologically Different World (EDW) Perspective”, in:  Michael L. Smith (ed.),  Cosmology 2020 – The Current State, IntechOpen, 2020
  40. Anca Vasiliu, “Die Umwandlung von Bildern als exegetische Praxis bei Philon d’Alexandria”, in: Sylvaine Gourdain (dir.),  Transformations de l’image, Mimesis, 2020
  41. Anca Vasiliu, “Images de l’âme et de l’intellection dans le Quis rerum divinarum heres sit de Philon d’Alexandrie”,  in:  Jérí´me Moreau und Olivier Munnich (eds.),  Religion et rationalité: Philon d’Alexandrie et sa postérité, Brill, 2020
  42. Marilena Vlad, “Invoquer, nommer, íªtre présent. Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite sur la prií¨re”,  Théories et pratiques de la prií¨re í  la fin de l’Antiquité, Brepols,  2020
  43. Dan Zeman, Agustin Vicente, “How to Say When: A Reichenbachian Approach to the Answering Machine Puzzle”,  in: Tadeusz Ciecierski, PaweÅ‚  Grabarczyk (eds.),  The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity, Springer, 2020



  1. Andreea Smaranda Aldea: “Husserlian phenomenology as radical immanent critique – Or how phenomenology imagines itself”,  Phenomenology as Critique,  9-11th October 2020 (online)
  2. Maria Banu, “Trusting Strangers: Between Rationality and Morality”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  3. Dragos Bigu, “Is Lying Morally Worse Than Merely Deceiving? An Examination of the Responsibility Argument”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  4. Corin Braga, “Mircea Eliade et l’herméneutique psycho-historique pour l’analyse des religions”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  5. Marian Calborean, “Vagueness as dispersion”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  6. Mihail-Valentin Cernea, “On Moral Sanctions. A Comprehensive Conceptual Framework”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  7. Mihai-Dan Chitoiu, “Mircea Eliade and Cosmic Christianity”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  8. Eveline Cioflec, “Vom zugehörigen Selbst. Narrative der Gemeinschaft”,  Belonging. Zugehörigkeiten im Wandel, Tübingen, 7. und 8. Oktober 2020
  9. Sorin Costreie, “Frege’s Puzzle against Formalism [History of Philosophy]”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  10. Richard David-Rus, “On the factivity of understanding without explanation”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  11. Alexandru Dragomir, “Are we justified in believing that post-persons are physically possible?”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020.
  12. Marina Folescu, “Perception As A Multi-Stage Process: A Reidian Account”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  13. Camil Golub, “Deflationism, Representation, and the Question of Realism”,  94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society,  University of Kent, UK, 10-12 July 2020
  14. Camil Golub, “Is there a good moral argument against moral realism?”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  15. Nora Grigore, “Presuppositions of Moral Normativity”,    94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society,  University of Kent, UK, 10-12 July 2020
  16. Nicolae Hatem, “Mircea Eliade et la leçon de Kierkegaard”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  17. Dana Jalobeanu, “Baconianism and Newtonianism: a history (and philosophy) of shifting historiographic categories”,  Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop,  19 November, 2020 (online)
  18. Andrei Mărășoiu, “Justified by thought alone”,  94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society,    94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society,  University of Kent, UK, 10-12 July 2020
  19. Ioan Muntean, “A probabilistic-functional approach to perspectivism and a case study”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  20. Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, “Oppressive Speech Shifts Norms in Negotiation Games”,  Oppressive Speech, Societies & Norms – Theme 1: Social Norms & Institutions: Game Theory, 3-4 December,   2020 (online)
  21. Alexandru Radulescu, “On Detonating”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  22. Sergiu Spatan, “Epistemically Anxious Ascribers”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  23. Marius Stan, “Newtonianism and the physics of Institutions de physique”,  Workshop on the Philosophy of Émilie du Châtelet,  Harvard University,  Cambridge,  February 22, 2020
  24. Alexandru  Tofan, “Mircea Eliade: The Mystical and the Sensory Types of Experience in an Archaic and in a Modern Man”,  Mircea Eliade – Religion, Philosophie, Littérature,  Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban, 12-13 février, 2020
  25. Radu Uszkai, “On the idea of a Basic Universal Genetic Endowment”,  10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands,  24-28 August, 2020
  26. Alexandra Zorilă,  “My own story to tell – reshaping one’s narrative identity after DBS”,  The Ethics of Experimental Deep Brain Stimulation – Future Directions, University of Oxford,  15 -16 January, 2020




  1. Elena Banciu,  Conceptia lui Gilbert Ryle despre natura filosofiei  și despre problema raportului minte-corp,  Editura Pro Universitaria, 2020
  2. Ioan Biris,  Lucian Blaga. Conceptele dogmatice, Editura Scoala Ardeleana, 2020
  3. Eduard Bucur,  Dorința naturală de a căuta adevărul la Toma de Aquino în  Summa contra gentiles, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020
  4. Flaviu Câmpean,  Identitatea melancolică la Sí¸ren Kierkegaard, Editura Scoala Ardeleana, 2020
  5. Cristian Ioan Dumitru,  O fenomenologie a păcatului la Dostoievski. Imagini și simboluri în Crimă și pedeapsă și Frații Karamazov, Editura Reintregirea, 2020
  6. Ion Dur,  Post-restant. “Cazul” gânditorului Vasile Băncilă, Editura Muzeul Literaturii Romane, 2020
  7. Ion Dur,  Constantin Noica. De la gazetărie la gândirea speculativă, Editura Pro Universitaria, 2020
  8. Camil Golub,  Evolutie si logica, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2020
  9. Dragoș Grusea,  Clipă și timp, Editura Ideea Europeana, 2020
  10. Mihai-George Hancu,  The Terminology of Ancient Greek Cosmogonies, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2019
  11. Florea Lucaci,  Constantin Noica, întruchipări ale gândirii,  Editura Scoala Ardeleana, 2020
  12. Adrian Michiduță,  Reconstrucția filosofiei românești, Editura Aius, 2020
  13. Mihaela Miroiu,  Gandul umbrei. Abordari feministe in filosofie, Editura Polirom, 2020
  14. Mihaela Mocanu,  Semiotica, de la teorie la practică, Editura UAIC, 2020
  15. Adrian Nita,  Epoca spiritului, Editura Institutul European, 2020
  16. Cristian Petru,  Homo hominans.  Despre relevanța ontologică a umanului, Editura Institutul European, 2020
  17. Dumitru-Viorel Piuitu,  Obiectivitatea științei și caracterul său evolutiv. Perspective epistemologice, Editura Eikon, 2020
  18. Nicolae Râmbu,  Comunicare interculturală, Editura UAIC, 2020
  19. Dorin Ștefănescu,  Texte și contexte. Abordări hermeneutice, Editura Limes, 2020
  20. íron Telegdi-Csetri,  Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Politics and Philosophy in a Global Debate, Zeta Books, 2020


  1. Ștefan Afloroaei, George Bondor (coord.),  Ideea europeană în filosofia românească (III),  Editura UAIC, 2020
  2. Cristian Bodea,  Delia Popa (eds.),  Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis, Zeta Books, 2020
  3. Viorel Cernica (coord.),  Studii in hermeneutica pre-judicativa si meontologie, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2020
  4. Iulian Dancă, Jean-François Petit, Lucian Dîncă (coord.),  Teologie și filosofie între Orient și Occident, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020
  5. Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming.  Foreword by Costică Brădățan, Zeta Books, 2020.
  6. Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă, Constantin-Ionuț Mihai (ed.),  Semina perennia. Perspective asupra Antichității și moștenirii ei spirituale, Editura UAIC, 2020
  7. Cristian Moisuc, Viorel Țuțui (ed.),  Ordine și libertate. De la metafizică la politică, Editura UAIC, 2020
  8. Mihaela Pop, Oana Serban (ed.),  Idei filosofice si arta contemporana, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2020



  1. Argumentum.  Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric, 2020
  2. Agathos,  Volume 11, Issue 1, 2020
  3. Agathos, Volume 11, Issue 2,  2020
  4. Hermeneia, Nr. 24, 2020
  5. Hermeneia, Nr. 25, 2020
  6. International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. X, No. 1, 2020
  7. JSRI, Volume 19, Issue 56, Summer 2020
  8. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences,  Vol. 8, No. 1, 2020
  9. Meta, Vol. XII, No. 2  / December 2020
  10. Revue roumaine de philosophie, No 1, Tome 64, 2020
  11. Revue roumaine de philosophie, No 2, Tome 64, 2020
  12. Revista de Filosofie Aplicată, Vol. 3, Issue 4,  2020
  13. Revista de filosofie aplicata,  Vol. 3, Supplementary Issue “Applied Philosophy in the Times of the COVID-19 Pandemics”, 2020
  14. Revista de Filosofie Aplicată Volume 3, Issue 5  (Winter 2020)
  15. Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 1, 2020
  16. Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 2, 2020
  17. Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 3, 2020
  18. Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 4, 2020
  19. Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 5, 2020
  20. Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 20 / 2020: Phenomenology and the History of Platonism
  21. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Issue no. 1, 2020
  22. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  23. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Studia Philosophia,  Issue no.2, 2020                                sus



  1. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Relativitatea categoriilor, traducere de Dragoș Popescu, in:  Revista de filosofie, Tomul LXVII, Nr. 2, 2020
  2. Pascal Bruckner,  O scurtă eternitate. Filosofia longevității, traducere de: Doru Mareș, Editura Trei, 2020
  3. Barbara Cassin,  Vocabularul european al filosofiilor, traducere și adăugiri la ediția în limba română coordonate de Anca Vasiliu și Alexander Baumgarten, Editura Polirom, 2020
  4. Noam Chomsky,  Cum merge lumea, traducere de Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Editura Curtea Veche, 2020
  5. Andre Comte-Sponville,  Mic tratat despre marile virtuți, Editura Univers, 2020
  6. Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari,  Ce este filosofia?, traducere de Bogdan Ghiu, Editura Hecate, 2020
  7. Georges Didi-Huberman,  În fața imaginii. Întrebare despre finalitatea unei istorii a artei, traducere de Laura Marin, Editura Tact, 2020
  8. Diego Fusaro,  Europa și capitalismul. Pentru o redeschidere a viitorului, traducere de  Oana Pughineanu, Alexandria Publishing House, 2020
  9. Federico Garlanda,  Filosofia cuvintelor. Introducere în științele limbii, pe înțelesul tuturor, traducere de Roxana Vieru, Editura UAIC, 2020
  10. Rene Guenon,  Traditii religioase si traditii metafizice, traducere de Daniel Hoblea,  Editura Herald, 2020
  11. Werner Jaeger,  Umanism și teologie, traducere de Dan Sisterman, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020
  12. Matthew Levering,  Scriptura și metafizica: Toma de Aquino și renașterea teologiei trinitare, traducere de Dan Tomulet, Editura Sapientia, 2020
  13. Albert cel Mare,  Despre sufletul rațional, traducere, studiu introductiv și note de Vlad Ile, Editura Polirom, 2020
  14. Jean-Luc Marion,  În locul sinelui. Abordarea Sfîntului Augustin, traducere de Marius Boldor,  Editura Ratio et Revelatio, 2020
  15. Jean-Luc Marion,  În locul sinelui. Abordarea Sfîntului Augustin, traducere de Marius Boldor,  Editura Ratio et Revelatio, 2020
  16. Jaques Maritain,  Drepturile omului și legea naturală, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020
  17. Fr. Nietzsche, M. Heidegger, G. Colli, M. Montinari, J. Simon,  Ce este «nihilismul »? Nietzsche în interpretări moderne, Editura Paideia, 2020
  18. Paracelsus,  Ars Alchimica – Sapte tratate in care se vorbeste despre Natura, Stiinta si Arta Spagirica, traducere de  Ilie Iliescu, Editura Herald, 2020
  19. Odifreddi Piergiorgio,  Dumnezeul logicii. Viața genială a lui Kurt Gödel, matematicianul filosofiei, Editura Polirom, 2020
  20. Vittorio Possenti,  Revoluția biopolitică. Alianța nefastă dintre materialism și tehnică, traducere de Silvia Zamfir, Editura Sapientia, 2020
  21. Nuccio Ordine,  Utilitatea inutilului, traducere de  Vlad Russo, Editura Spandugino, 2020
  22. Dungalus Reclusus,  Scrisoarea către Carol cel Mare despre dubla eclipsă de Soare din anul 810, traducere de Emanuel Grosu, Editura UAIC, 2020
  23. Edith Stein,  Introducere în filosofie, traducere de  Paul Gabriel Sandu, Editura Carmelitana, 2020
  24. Edith Stein,  Constituția persoanei umane,  traducere de  Paul Gabriel Sandu, Editura Carmelitana, 2020
  25. Grigorie Taumaturgul,  Discurs de mulțumire adresat lui Origen, traducere de  Constantin-Ionuț Mihai, Editura UAIC, 2020



  1. Colocviul “Alexandre Kojí¨ve:  De la antropologia filosofică la filosofia istoriei”,  Colegiul Noua Europă, Bucuresti, 21 Februarie, 2020
  2. Colocviul “Istorie, sens și traducere”, Facultatea de Filosofie, Bucuresti, 20 Februarie, 2020
  3. ICUB Humanities Lunchtime Seminar, ICUB, Bucuresti, 2020
  4. Christian Coseru –  Selfless Minds or Mindful Selves? Buddhist, Phenomenological, and Cognitive Science Perspectives on Human Experience,  New Europe College, March 17, 2020
  5. Telling a Different Story: Non-Linear Narratives in Early Modern History,  ICUB, Bucharest,  March 19-20, 2020
  6. Conferințele Centrului FAM, Semestrul de primăvară, 2020
  7. Second ALEF Workshop in Analytic Philosophy, September 25-26, 2020 (online)
  8. Conferința națională de etică aplicată pentru studenți, 6-7 Noiembrie (online)
  9. 4e Congres  Congrí¨s  du CRI2I,12-14 Noiembrie (online)
  10. Conferințele Centrului FAM, Semestrul de toamnă, 2020-2021 (online)
  11. Colocviul Național al Centrului de Hermeneutică, Fenomenologie și Filosofie Practică, Ediția a XII-a  Iași, 27-28 noiembrie 2020
  12. Princeton-Bucharest Virtual Seminar, November-December 2020


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