Oliva, Mirela (2011). Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):148-154.
Günter Figal. Verstehensfragen: Studien zur phí¤nomenologisch-hermeneutischen Philosophie. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009. 329 pages.
The hermeneutic project of Günter Figal, which he has developed over the past few years, aims at intensifying the theoretical character of hermeneutics. As such, hermeneutics for Figal is more than a simple theory of understanding; it reaches into the speculative core of philosophical inquiry. The realization of this philosophical endeavor is possible through reconnecting hermeneutics with its phenomenological roots, which grant an access to the world often obscured by limiting hermeneutics to a cognitional theory. This phenomenological-hermeneutical philosophy was first systematically articulated in Gegenstí¤ndlichkeit, published in 2006. The volume Verstehensfragen is a collection of essays that enlarge the exposition of this project.