NEWS | Romanian Philosophy Newsletter

Newsletterul de filozofie românească – Nr. 7-9 (210-212) / iulie – septembrie 2023

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Sorin Baiasu, Mark Timmons (eds.), The Kantian Mind, Routledge, 2023.
  2. Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, L’Avènement de la métaphysique kantienne, Classiques Garnier, 2023.
  3. Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet Peter R. Anstey (eds.), The Berlin Academy in the reign of Frederick the Great, 2022.

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din străinătate

  1. Radu-Cristian Andreescu, “Experiencing Revulsion: Aesthetic Discomfort and Ordinary Life”, Open Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023.
  2. Tudor M. Baetu, “The Problem of Hard and Easy Problems”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2023.
  3. Veronica Cibotaru, “Banal Evil – Radical Goodness. Reflection on the 60th Anniversary of ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem'”, Open Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023.
  4. Marian Eabrasu & Erwan Lamy, “Do Managerial Practices Need Philosophy?”, Philosophy of Management, Volume 22, 2023.
  5. Marian Eabrasu, “What if? Fine-tuning the expectations of business simulation technology through the lens of philosophical counterfactual analysis”, Organization, Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023.
  6. Christian Ferencz-Flatz, “The Eidetics of the Unimaginable. What a Phenomenologist can Learn from Ethnomethodology”, Human Studies, Volume 46, 2023.
  7. Florin Lobont, “Conceptual Idealism and Emotional Reasoning”, International Journal of Philosophical Practice, Volume 9, Issue 1, Spring 2023.
  8. Rareș Ilie Marinescu, “Nature as an Instrumental Cause in Proclus”, Apeiron, 2023.
  9. Ioan-Radu Motoarcă, “Animal voting rights”, Analysis, 2023.
  10. Elena Popa, “Loneliness as Cause”, Topoi, 2023.
  11. Marilena Vlad, “La logique de la lumière chez Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite”, Laval théologique et philosophique, Volume 79, Number 2, 2023.
  12. Dan Zeman, “Michael Blome-Tillmann: The Semantics of Knowledge Attributions”, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2023.

C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Sorin Baiasu, “Transcendental Aesthetic”, in: Sorin Baiasu, Mark Timmons (eds.), The Kantian Mind, Routledge, 2023.
  2. George Bondor, “History as Macro-phenomenon: Heidegger and Gadamer”, in: Carlos Belvedere, Alexis Gros (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Macrophenomenology and Social Theory, Springer, 2023.
  3. Mihnea Dobre, “Rohault’s Private Lessons on Cosmology”, in: Davide Cellamare and Mattia Mantovani (eds.), Descartes in the Classroom, Brill, 2022.
  4. Mihnea Dobre, “Jacques Rohault on Medicine”, in: Fabrizio Baldassarri (ed.), Descartes and Medicine, Brepols, 2023.
  5. Mihnea Dobre, Ovidiu Babeș and Ioana Bujor, “Cartesian Visual Cosmology: Ways Towards a Digital Platform”, in: Madalina Chitez, Anca Dinu, Liviu Dinu, and Mihnea Dobre (eds.), Recent Advances in Digital Humanities: Romance Language Applications, Peter Lang, 2023.
  6. Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, “Eclectic philosophy and ‘academic spirit’: the Berlin Academy and the Thomasian legacy”, in: Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet Peter R. Anstey (eds.), The Berlin Academy in the reign of Frederick the Great, 2022.

D) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în străinătate

  1. Ana Bazac, “En partant d’une métaphore : phénoménologie du statut de l’inertie”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  2. Petru Bejan, “Pour une esthétique du mouvement”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  3. Alexandru Bejinariu, “A Phenomenological Approach to the Historicity of Gestures”, Phenomenology and History, Novi Sad, Serbia, 6 Sep-8 Sep 2023.
  4. Eugenia Bogatu, “Identité fluide : une recherche inter et pluridisciplinaire”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  5. Remus Breazu, “History, Conflict, and the Work of Art”, Phenomenology and History, Novi Sad, Serbia, 6 Sep-8 Sep 2023.
  6. Florin Crismareanu, “«La fin du mouvement» représente-t-elle l’absence de liberté? Réflexions sur la définition de la liberté dans les premiers siècles”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  7. Rodica Croitoru, “Le mouvement comme soutien de la métaphysique kantienne de la nature”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  8. Lucian Ionel, “The Origin of Objective Thought in Kant”, 1st Berlin-Padua DAAD Workshop on Classical German Philosophy, Berlin, July 10th-11th, 2023.
  9. Cristian Moisuc, “L’attention en tant que mouvement de l’esprit et/ou de l’idée chez Nicolas Malebranche”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  10. Adrian Nita, “Identité fluide : une recherche inter et pluridisciplinaire”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  11. Mihaela Pop, “Le mouvement dans la pensée esthétique et artistique du XXe siècle”, XXXIXe Congrès de l’ASPLF Neuchâtel, mardi 22 – samedi 26, août 2023.
  12. Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, “Enthousiasme esthétique et sublime chez Kant”, Kant, l’art et les arts, Universität Wien Uni Campus, 28. – 30. September 2023.

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Teodor Baconschi, Sicut in caelo et in terra. Studii de antropologie a religiei, Spandugino, 2023.
  2. Marius Andreescu, Postmodernismul. Studii, eseuri și cugetări, Editura Paideia, 2023.
  3. Alexandru Volacu, Limitele electoratului, Editura Institutul European, 2023.

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din țară

  1. Dragoș Bîgu, “Waller’s Deductivist Reconstruction of Moral and Legal Analogies: A Critical Examination”, Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  2. Speranța Sofia Milancovici (book review), Marco Storni, Maupertuis. Le philosophe, l’académicien, le polémiste, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022, Journal of Early Modern Studies, vol. 12 (1), 2023.
  3. Marian George Panait, “Mill and Newman on Science”, Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  4. Delia Popa, “Andreea Smaranda Aldea, David Carr, Sara Heinämaa (eds.), Phenomenology as Critique. Why Method Matters (Routledge, 2022)”, in: Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 23, 2023.
  5. Laurențiu Staicu, “The Nature of Biological Species: Rethinking David Hull’s Concept of ‘Species-as-Individuals’”, Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  6. Mihaela-Genţiana Stănişor, “Le malheureux poli. Cioran et les avantages de l’exil”, Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  7. Henrieta Anișoara Șerban, “Neopragmatism și postliberalism. Un Weltanschauung contemporan” (book review), Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  8. Oana Şerban, “New Work for a Theory of Aesthetic Revolutions. A Kuhnian Shift from the Philosophy of Science to the Philosophy of Ar” (book review), Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.
  9. Ion Tănăsescu, “Brentano, Zeller und ihre Auffassungen von der Geschichte der Philosophie”, Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tome 67, 2023.

C) Studii in volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

D) Traduceri

  1. Anonim, Autorităţile lui Aristotel (ediţie bilingvă), traducere de Vlad Ile, Polirom, 2023.
  2. Hans Urs von Balthasar, Prezență și gândire, traducere de Cristian Șoimușan, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2023.
  3. Jérôme Brillaud, Filozofia unei vieți simple, traducere de Simina Bălășoiu, Editura Humanitas, 2023.
  4. Emil Cioran, Caiete. 1957-1972, traducere de Vlad Russo, Emanoil Marcu, Editura Humanitas, 2023.
  5. Hedwig Conrad-Martius (ed.), Scrisorile lui Edith Stein către Hedwig Conrad-Martius. Cu un eseu despre Edith Stein, traducere de Maria Magdalena Anghelescu, Editura Ratio et Revelatio, 2023.
  6. Daniel C. Dennett, Ruperea vrăjii. Religia ca fenomen natural, traducere de Alexandru Anghel, Editura Humanitas, 2023.
  7. Edith Stein, Despre problema empatiei, traducere de Paul Sandu, Editura Carmelitană, 2023.

E) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în țară

  1. Logic and Human Nature: Early Modern and Enlightenment Confluences, Bucharest, 15-16 September 2023.
  2. Phenomenology and the Limits of Experience, University of Bucharest, 21–23 September 2023.
  3. Kinds of Intentionality and Kinds of Approaches to Intentionality in the Middle Ages, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, October 16, 2023 – October 17, 2023.
  4. From recipes and experiments to the investigation of forms: the case of Bacon’s induction, ICUB-University of Bucharest, October 13, 2023.

A) Apel la contribuții pentru reviste academice

  1. CfP: Eco-Phenomenology. Studia Phaenomenologica XXV (2025). Deadline: 30th of March 2024.
  2. CfP: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 68, nr. 2, 2024 Perspective asupra ființei în istoria filosofiei. Termen limită: 1 septembrie 2024.

B) Apel la contribuții pentru conferințe și colocvii academice

  1. CfP: Religion, Evil, and the Problem of Evil (RES 1/2024), Deadline: 15 November 2023.