NEWS | Newsletter of Phenomenology

Newsletter of Phenomenology Number 632 (June 2024)

Number 632 (June 2024)

Editor: Cristian Ciocan

Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru

Please add new info to our online system here:

Published in the current issue:
  1. Call for Papers
  2. Upcoming Events
  3. New Books & Translations
  4. Periodicals
  5. Open Commons News
Call for Papers

Studia Phaenomenologica vol.25 : Eco-Phenomenology

Deadline: 15th Jul 2024

Experience and Non-Objects: Towards a Phenomenology of Indiscernibility (28th – 30th October 2024, Pittsburgh, United States of America)

Deadline: 15th Aug 2024

Nouvelle Revue d’Esthétique vol.35/35 : Roman Ingarden – Esthétique et littérature

Deadline: 1st Sep 2024

Etudes phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies vol.10 : L’imagination, de l’esthétique à l’ontologie

Deadline: 1st Oct 2024

PHILOSOPHIES vol.Special Issue : Merleau-Ponty and rereading the Phenomenology of Perception

Deadline: 1st Oct 2024

Metodo vol.13/1 : Transcendental phenomenology, the idea of philosophy and the foundation of science

Deadline: 30th Nov 2024

Studia Phaenomenologica vol.26 : Phenomenology and psychopathology

Deadline: 30th Mar 2025

Metodo vol.13/2 : On Generativity

Deadline: 30th Apr 2025

Upcoming Events

Strangers, Foreigners, Aliens

1st – 5th Jul 2024
Venezia, Italy

Disordered Temporalities – Toward Quantitative Phenomenology

4th – 5th Jul 2024
Heidelberg, Germany

Philosophy and Poetry

6th – 26th Jul 2024
Città di Castello, Italy

Imperatives of Alterity and Law in Levinas and Kant

15th – 19th Jul 2024
Vilnius, Lithuania

Opening conference of the Archive for Phenomenological Research Wuppertal

2nd – 4th Sep 2024
Wuppertal, Germany

The Many Worlds of Phenomenology: Umwelt – Mitwelt – Lebenswelt

4th – 6th Sep 2024
Trnava, Slovakia

Fourth International Conference: Why Still Education? Experience of Education

9th – 11th Oct 2024
Belgrade, Serbia

7. Internationales Symposium zur Phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft – “Welt, Weltlichkeit und Weltbezug”

8th – 10th Oct 2025
Berlin, Germany

View all events in the Open Commons Calendar

New Books & Translations
Supporting Publishers
Copyright © 2024 Romanian Society for Phenomenology, All rights reserved.

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