NEWS | Newsletter of Phenomenology

Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 609–610 (July-August 2022)

Number 609–610 (July-August 2022)

Editor: Cristian Ciocan

Please add new info to our online system here:

Published in the current issue:
  1. Call for Papers
  2. Upcoming Events
  3. New Books & Translations
  4. Periodicals
  5. Open Commons News
Call for Papers

Studia Phaenomenologica vol.23 : Phenomenologies of the image

Deadline: 1st Sep 2022

Edmund Husserl’s “Origin of Geometry” and its legacy – Seminar for Ph.D. students and young researchers in phenomenology (20th Jul – 10th September 2022, Paris, France)

Deadline: 10th Sep 2022

Atelier des doctorant.e.s du CRAL / Fonds Ricœur 2022-2023 À l’école de la phénoménologie, une fois de plus : Méthode, altérité, histoire (1st October 2022, Paris, France)

Deadline: 10th Sep 2022

One selfsame world? Eine kritische Betrachtung des phänomenologischen Welt-Begriffs (17th – 18th November 2022, Köln, Germany)

Deadline: 23rd Sep 2022

Humana.Mente vol.16/43 : The prospect of naturalizing phenomenology

Deadline: 30th Sep 2022

Metodo vol.11/1 : Didactics of philosophy and philosophical practices

Deadline: 30th Sep 2022

Études phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies vol.8 : Democracies in Crisis

Deadline: 1st Oct 2022

Religions vol.14 : Religious experience and metaphysics

Deadline: 31st Oct 2022

Studia Heideggeriana vol.12 : Heidegger y el idealismo alemán

Deadline: 15th Dec 2022

Metodo vol.12/1 : Ontology and phenomenology of movement

Deadline: 15th Sep 2023

Upcoming Events

Panel: Lifeworld, Relevance, Encyclopedia

30th Aug – 3rd Sep 2022
Thessaloníki, Greece

Engaged Phenomenology II: Explorations of Embodiment, Emotions, and Sociality

30th Aug – 1st Sep 2022
Exeter, United Kingdom

Second Austrian Summer School in Phenomenology: Phenomenological Approaches to Epistemology, Metaethics, and Metaphysics

5th – 7th Sep 2022
Graz, Austria

Phenomenology and the Sciences

13th – 15th Sep 2022
Padova, Italy

The True, the Valid and the Normative

20th – 22nd Sep 2022
Milano, Italy

Thinking Sonic Environments: Soundscapes of Nature, Communities, and Art-works.

21st – 22nd Sep 2022
Prague, Czech Republic

The Emotions: Phenomenology, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy

22nd – 24th Sep 2022
Heidelberg, Germany

Zurück zu den Sachen selbst. Die Praxis der Phänomenologie

27th – 29th Sep 2022
Jena, Germany

XVIII Jornadas peruanas de fenomenología y hermenéutica. “Antropología y cultura. En conmemoración de los 100 años de Renovación del hombre y la cultura”

28th – 30th Sep 2022
Lima, Peru

Phenomenology and Social Ontology: Contest or Conversion?

13th – 14th Oct 2022
Potsdam, Germany

Phenomenological Concept of Sedimentation

14th – 15th Oct 2022
Vilnius, Lithuania

Eco-Imagination for a Sustainable Future

27th – 29th Oct 2022
Milano, Italy

Phenomenology and Critique

4th – 6th Nov 2022
Chicago, United States of America

The Phenomenology of Chronic Illness and Ageing

17th – 18th Nov 2022
Stockholm, Sweden

Back to the Things Themselves! 2023 – CRISIS

27th May – 2nd Jun 2023
Toronto, Canada

View all events in the Open Commons Calendar

New Books & Translations

Xolocotzi Yáñez Á., Orejarena J. (eds)
Aristóteles y la fenomenología del siglo XX: Estudios en torno a la presencia de Aristóteles en la obra de Heidegger y Husserl

Biblos, 2022

Medzech M.
Berechnung oder Besinnung?: Zum Verhältnis von Maß und Sein im Denkweg Martin Heideggers

Alber, 2022

Chai D. (ed)
Daoist resonances in Heidegger: exploring a forgotten debt

Bloomsbury, 2022

Gleixner W. H.
endlich/philosophieren: Die anthropologisch-existentielle Wende der Phänomenologie

Alber, 2022

Heidegger M.
Ergänzungen und Denksplitter

Klostermann, 2022

Capobianco R.
Heidegger’s Being: the shimmering unfolding

University of Toronto Press, 2022

Aurora S.
Il campo della coscienza: Aron Gurwitsch e la fenomenologia trascendentale

Orthotes, 2022

Pommier É.
La condition sensible: chair, événement, éros

Hermann, 2022

Lavigne J.-F. (ed)
Penser avec Edith Stein: De la phénoménologie à la métaphysique

Hermann, 2022

Schmich N., Pérez Gatica S. (eds)
Phänomenologie in Spanien und Hispanoamerika: Ein Lesebuch

Alber, 2022

Bellantone A. , Donà M.
Phénoménologies de l’abstraction: Kandinsky, Malévitch, Soulages (trans. Charliat Anne-Camille)

Hermann, 2022

DeRoo N.
The political logic of experience: expression in phenomenology

Fordham University Press, 2022

Heidegger M.
Vorläufiges I–IV: Schwarze Hefte 1963–1970

Klostermann, 2022

Schnell A.
Zeit, Einbildung, Ich: Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants “Transzendentaler Kategorien-Reduktion”

Klostermann, 2022

Supporting Publishers
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