sponsored by: OPO Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations
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editor: Cristian Ciocan assist: Iulian Apostolescu
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issue 360 / 11- 18 February 2012 You can see this issue on the web at the following page:http://www.phenomenology.ro/newsletter/newsletter_360 How does this newsletter work? By making use of the information received from you! Please send your announcements at our address newsletter.phenomenology@gmail.com, including a link to a website where our readers can find the extended information. Please send only information related to phenomenology!
- Dear Colleagues,
The Center for Advanced Research has been trying to develop a list of phenomenological organizations that we have identified (you can see the 186 we know of at http://phenomenologycenter.org/about/organizations/). We suspect, however, that there are many other organizations that we have not identified. After all, there are some 4,000 subscribers to this newsletter now and forming organizations is a rather natural thing to do. Hence, I am writing to ask that you (a) correct anything erroneous or incomplete about your organization on the existing list (add websites where possible) and (b) if your organization is not on the list, please send us information about it like we have on the existing organizations. We will of course publish the improved list. Please send your information to InfoPhenomenology@gmail.com. Thanks, Lester Embree.
- Edmund Husserl, Criza ?tiin?elor europene ?i fenomenologia transcendental?(Romanian translation by Christian Ferencz-Flatz), Humanitas
- Alfred Schutz (Michael Barber – ed.), Collected Papers VI. Literary Reality and Relationships, Springer.
- Dermot Moran & Joseph Cohen, The Husserl Dictionary, Continuum.
- Roland Breeur & Ullrich Melle (Eds.), Life, Subjectivity & Art, Springer
- Frédéric Moinat, Le vivant et sa naturalisation, Springer.
- Olivier Lahbib, Avoir.Une approche phénoménologique, L’Harmattan
- Isabelle Joly, Le corps sans representation. De Jean-Paul Sartre í Shaun Gallagher, L’Harmattan
- Wolfgang H. Gleixner, Bewusstsein und Existenz. Eine phí¤nomenologische Studie, Duncker & Humblot
- Paul Ducros, Husserl et le géostatisme. Perspectives phénoménologiques et éthiques, Editions du Cerf.
- Martin Heidegger, Phenomenologie de la vie religieuse (trad. de l’allemand par Jean Greisch), Gallimard
- Guy van Kerckhoven & Hans Lipps, Fragilití¤t der Existenz, Verlag Karl Alber
- Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard & Marisa Scherini (Hrsg.) Die Aktualití¤t Husserls, Verlag Karl Alber
- Adnen Jdey & Rolf Kühn (eds.), Michel Henry et l’affect de l’art. Recherches sur l’esthétique de la phénoménologie matérielle, Brill
- William Smith, The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity, Routledge
- Pol Vandevelde, Heidegger and the Romantics The Literary Invention of Meaning, Routledge
- Jeffrey Hanson & Michael Kelly (eds.), Michel Henry. The Affects of Thought, Continuum