Newsletter for phenomenology – issue 350 / 1 – 15 April 2011
issue 350 / 1 – 15 April 2011 You can see this issue on the web at the following page: How does this newsletter work? By making use of the information received from you! Please send your announcements at our address, including a link to a website where our readers can find the extended information. Please send only information related to phenomenology!
Happy Easter!
OPO IV / 2011: Reason and Life. The Responsibility of Philosophy. 19 – 23 September 2011, Segovia, Spain
- The 9th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology:Phenomenology in Times of Crises. 28-30 April 2011, University of Iceland, Reykjavík
- The 29th North Texas Heidegger Symposium. 29-30 April 2011, El Centro College, Dallas, U.S.
- 5th Annual Research Seminar in Phenomenology: Passivity: At the Crossroads of Phenomenology and Psychology. 2-6 May 2011, University of Lií¨ge, Belgium
- 3rd Meeting of Phenomenology as a Bridge between Asia and the West. 23-26 May 2011, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
- Conference: Heidegger. Natur – Kunst – Technik/ Heidegger. Nature – Art – Technology. 25-28 May 2011, Messkirch, Germany
- Natalie Depraz & Francisco J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch, A l’épreuve de l’expérience. Pour une pratique phénoménologique, ZETA Books
- Karel Novotní½ & Taylor S. Hammer & Anne Gléone &, Petr Å pecián (Eds.),Thinking in Dialogue with Humanities. Paths into the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, ZETA Books
- Sophie-Jan Arrien et Sylvain Camilleri (éd.), Le jeune Heidegger.1909-1926, Vrin
- Tymieniecka, A-T. (Ed.), Destiny, the Inward Quest, Temporality and Life, Springer [ebook]
- Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber(Eds.), Philosophy’s Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking, Springer
- Francis Halsall & Julia Jansen & Sinead Murphy (Eds.), Critical Communities and Aesthetic Practices (Dialogues with Tony O’Connor on Society, Art, and Friendship), Springer
- Serge Botet, De Nietzsche í Heidegger: L’écriture spéculaire en philosophie, L’Harmattan
- Paul Bercherie (avec la collaboration de Marieluise Neuhaus), Lévinas, critique de l’occident. Lévinas et la psychanalyse 2, L’Harmattan
- Robert D. Stolorow, World, Affectivity, Trauma: Heidegger and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis, Routledge
- Jean-Paul Sartre, The Transcendence of the Ego. A Sketch for a Phenomenological Description, Routledge
- Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Fic?iunea Politicului. Heidegger, arta ?i politica(Romanian translation by Adrian T. Sîrbu), Idea Publishing
sponsored by: OPO
Organization of the
Phenomenological Organizations
editor: Cristian Ciocan
assist: Ramona Cristea
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