NEWS | Studia Phaenomenologica

New issue: Studia Phaenomenologica 15 (2015) – Early Phenomenology


Dermot Moran and Rodney K.B. Parker:  Editors’ Introduction: Resurrecting the Phenomenological Movement


Edmund Husserl:  Ms. Signatur A III 1/9-16 “Exzerpte” zu Jean Hérings Staatsexamensarbeit  (Herausgegeben von Thomas Vongehr)

Jean Héring:  Phí¤nomenologie als Grundlage der Metaphysik? /  Phenomenology as the Foundation of Metaphysics?  (Edited by Sylvain Camilleri.   Introduction by Sylvain Camilleri and Arun Iyer. Translated by Arun Iyer)

Hedwig Conrad-Martius:  Dankesrede bei der Feier zur Verleihung des groíŸen Verdienstkreuzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am 01. Mí¤rz 1958 /  Acceptance speech at the ceremony for the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, March 1st  1958  (Introduction and translated by Susi Ferrarello)


George Heffernan:  The Paradox of Objectless Presentations in Early Phenomenology: A Brief History of the Intentional Object from Bolzano to Husserl With Concise Analyses of the Positions of Brentano, Frege, Twardowski and Meinong

Marek Pokropski:  Leopold Blaustein’s critique of Husserl’s early theory of intentional act, object and content

Hynek Janousek:  Judgmental Force and Assertion in Brentano and Early Husserl

Christian Y. Dupont:  Jean Héring and the Introduction of Husserl’s Phenomenology to France

Daniele De Santis:  Wesen, Eidos, Idea. Remarks on the “Platonism” of Jean Héring and Roman Ingarden

Simon Calenge:  Hans Lipps critique de l’idéalisme de Husserl

Faustino Fabbianelli:  Bezeichnung und Kennzeichnung: Theodor Conrads Bedeutungslehre in Auseinandersetzung mit Husserl

Michele Averchi:  The Disinterested Spectator. Geiger’s and Husserl’s Place in the Debate on the Splitting of the Ego

Dalius Jonkus:  Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness and the Unconscious (Moritz Geiger and Vasily Sesemann)

Alessandro Salice:  Actions, Values, and States of Affairs in Hildebrand and Reinach

Arkadiusz Chrudzimski:  Reinach’s Theory of Social Acts

Francesca De Vecchi:  Edith Stein’s Social Ontology of the State, the Law and Social Acts. An eidetic approach

Joona Taipale:  The Anachronous Other: Empathy and Transference in Early Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis

íngrid Vendrell Ferran:  The Emotions in Early Phenomenology

Mariano Crespo:  Moritz Geiger on the Consciousness of Feelings

Kristjan Laasik:  Wilhelm Schapp on Seeing Distant Things

Timothy Martell:  Cassirer and Husserl on the Phenomenology of Perception

Bernardo Ainbinder:  From Neo-Kantianism to Phenomenology. Emil Lask’s Revision of Transcendental Philosophy: Objectivism, Reduction, Motivation


Philippe Merlier:  Interpellation et chiasme

Matthew Schunke:  Revealing Givenness: The Problem of Non-Intuited Phenomena in Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology


Christian Ferencz-Flatz:  Edmund Husserl,  Grenzprobleme der Phí¤nomenologie. Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Spí¤te Ethik. Texte aus dem Nachlass (1908-1937), Hrsg. von Rochus Sowa und Thomas Vongehr (Dordrecht: Springer, 2014).

Garrett Zantow Bredeson:  Sebastian Luft (ed.),  The Neo-Kantian Reader  (London: Routledge, 2015).

Mădălina Diaconu:  Peter Fischer,  Phí¤nomenologische Soziologie  (Bielefeld: transcript, 2012).

Mădălina Diaconu:  Richard Shusterman,  Körper-Bewusstsein. Für eine Philosophie der Somí¤sthetik  (Hamburg: Meiner, 2012).

Mădălina Diaconu:  Tonino Griffero,  Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces, translation by Sarah de Sanctis (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010).

Tibor Földes:  Alessandro Salice (ed.),  Intentionality: Historical and Systematic Perspectives  (München: Philosophia Verlag, 2012).

Philipp Berghofer:  Elijah Chudnoff,  Intuition  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

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