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Lucian Ionel, Sylvaine Gourdain, “Heidegger and German Idealism (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel): Subjectivity and Finitude”, in: Jon Stewart (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Existentialism, Springer, 2020

Heidegger’s philosophical work is driven by a radical criticism of the idealist view that being is posited  by  the human subject. However, in developing his conception of the finitude of being, Heidegger finds decisive sources of inspiration in the work of Schelling and Hegel. His account of truth as a concealing disclosure of meaning comes unexpectedly close to Hegel’s concept of negativity; this leads him to gradually radicalize his critique of Hegel’s understanding of the concept and to redefine philosophical thinking. Heidegger finds an ally in Schelling and especially in the distinction between being as “ground of existence” and being “insofar as it exists.” He uses this distinction in his efforts not only to undermine the metaphysical quest for self-foundation but also to articulate his own conception  of ethos.

Raport de activitate 2021–2024

Stimați membri ai Societății Române de Fenomenologie, Dragi colegi, Vă prezentăm în cele ce urmează principalele activități și proiecte derulate în perioada 2021–2024 sub egida Societății Române de Fenomenologie, precum și alte informații relevante. Am grupat aceste...