sponsored by: OPO Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations
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editor: Cristian Ciocan assist: Iulian Apostolescu
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issue 361 / 19 – 29 February 2012 You can see this issue on the web at the following page:http://www.phenomenology.ro/newsletter/newsletter_361 How does this newsletter work? By making use of the information received from you! Please send your announcements at our address newsletter.phenomenology@gmail.com, including a link to a website where our readers can find the extended information. Please send only information related to phenomenology!
- Conferece: A part of life: The meaning of work today. 17-19 May 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Deadline: 1st of April 2012
- Conference: Speaking the Phenomenon, 24 – 25 May 2012, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom. Deadline: 7th of April 2012
- Conference: Munich & Gottingen Phenomenology. 25 – 26 May 2012, Ontario, Canada. Deadline: 2nd March 2012
- The 18th International Philosophy Colloquium Evian: Contingency – Chance, Luck, Haphazardness. 15-21 July 2012, Evian-les-bains (Lake Geneva), France. Deadline: 15th of March 2012
- Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy: The Practical Philosophy of Michel Henry. Deadline: 1 August 2012
- The Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, 11-13 October 2012, University of Ottawa, Ottawa. Deadline: 1st of June 2012
- NASPH 2012: Hermeneutics and Application. 5-6 October 2012, University of California, Riverside. Deadline: 1st of June 2012
- X Jornadas Nacionales de Fenomenología y Hermenéutica Santa Fe-Paraná:Razón crítica y experiencia religiosa. 5 – 6 de octubre 2012, Ciudad de Santa Fe. Deadline: 18 August 2012
- Conference: Humboldt-Kolleg. Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie[EN], 12 -14 March 2012, Aula Magna der Universití¤t Parma
- Conference: Phenomenology, Aesthetics and the Arts, 30 March – 1 April 2012, University College Cork, Ireland
- Conference: Faith and the Search for Certitude: Religious, Phenomenological and Existential Perspectives, 16th of March 2012, University Avenue, Glasgow
- Tagung und Workshop: Suchen, Entwerfen, Stiften – Entwurfsdenken im Ausgang von Martin Heidegger, 8.-10. Mí¤rz 2012, Universití¤t Basel
- Forschungskreis Lebensphí¤nomenologie: Wahrheit – Philosophiegeschichtlicher íœberblick und Gegenwartsproblematik, Pí¤dagogische Hochschule Edith Stein Innsbruck, 11.-12. Mai 2012
- Workshop: Mind, Consciousness and Body, 9th of March 2012, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen
- Research seminar in phenomenology – Erika Ruonakoski: Reading Ancient Greek Literature Through Phenomenology: Between Classical Philology, Literary Theory, and Philosophy. 16th of March 2012, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
- Martin Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe III. Abteilung: Unveröffentlichte Abhandlungen – Vortrí¤ge – Gedachtes Band 69: Die Geschichte des Seyns,Klostermann
- Jan Pato?ka, Cristianesimo e mondo naturale e altri saggi, (Italian translation by Riccardo Paparusso), Roma
- Günter Figal & Ulrich Raulff (Eds.), Heidegger und die Literatur, Klostermann
- John Sallis, Heidegger und der Sinn von Wahrheit, (German translation by Tobias Keiling), Klostermann
- Jean-Yves Lacoste, íŠtre en danger, Les Éditions du Cerf
- Aron Gurwitsch, Das BewuíŸtseinsfeld, (German translation by Werner D. Fröhlich), De Gruyter
- Wilhelm Szilasi, Introduction í la phénoménologie de Husserl, (French translation by Alain Fournier & Françoise Dastur), Le Cercle Herméneutique
- Tymieniecka A-T. (Ed.), The Fullness of the Logos in the Key of Life Book II. Christo-Logos: Metaphysical Rhapsodies of Faith (Itinerarium mentis in deo), Springer
- Jean Grondin & Marc-Antoine Vallée, í€ l’écoute du sens: entretiens avec Marc-Antoine Vallée, Éditions Fides
- Jean Grondin, Introduction to Metaphysics: From Parmenides to Levinas, (English translation by Lukas Soderstrom), Columbia University Press
- Françoise Dastur, Heidegger et la pensée í venir, Vrin
- Arne De Boever & Alex Murray & Jon Roffe & Ashley Woodward (Eds.), Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology, Edinburgh University Press
- Andrew Gibson, The Concept of Historical Reason in Recent French Philosophy, Edinburgh University Press
- Aain Bonfand, Le cinéma saturé. Essai sur les relations de la peinture et des images en mouvement, Vrin
- Arnaldo Ballerini & Giampaolo Di Piazza (dir.), Délirer. Analyse du phénomí¨ne délirant, Le Cercle Herméneutique
- Michí¨le Gennart, Corporéité et présence. Jalons pour une approche du corps dans la psychose, Le Cercle Herméneutique
- David M. Goodman, The Demanded Self. Levinasian Ethics and Identity in Psychology, Duquesne University Press
- Scott Davidson & Diane Perpich (Eds.), Totality and Infinity at 50, Duquesne University Press
- Grégori Jean, Le quotidien en situations. Enquíªte sur les phénomí¨nes-sociaux, Presses universitaires de Louvain
- Frank Schlegel, Phí¤nomenologie des Zwischen. Die Beziehung im Denken Martin Heideggers, Peter Lang
- Peter E. Gordon, Continental Divide. Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos, Harvard University Press
- Charles Parsons, From Kant to Husserl. Selected Essays, Harvard University Press
- Todd S. Mei & David Lewin (Eds.), From Ricoeur to Action. The Socio-Political Significance of Ricoeur’s Thinking, Continuum
- Molly Harkirat Mann, Ricoeur, Rawls, and Capability Justice. Civic Phronesis and Equality, Continuum
- Katherine J. Morris, Starting with Merleau-Ponty, Continuum
- Marianne Schröter, Aufklí¤rung durch Historisierung. Johann Salomo Semlers Hermeneutik des Christentums, De Gruyter
- Richard L. Velkley, Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy. On Original Forgetting, The University of Chicago Press
- Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft (Eds.), Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics. Current Investigations of Husserl’s Corpus, Continuum
- Francis Halsall & Julia Jansen & Sinéad Murphy (Eds.), Critical Communities and Aesthetic Practices. Dialogues with Tony O’Connor on Society, Art, and Friendship, Springer
- Robert Karul et al., Subjectivité/intersubjectivité, Bratislava, Institut de philosophie
- Luis ílvarez Falcón (Coord.), La sombra de lo invisible. Merleau-Ponty 1961-2011 (Siete lecciones), Editorial Entelequia
- Tilo Wesche, Wahrheit und Werturteil. Eine Theorie der praktischen Rationalití¤t, Mohr Siebeck
- Michael Titze, Die Organisation des Bewusstseins. Strategien der Typisierung in “normaler” und schizophrener Weltauffassung, Karl Alber Verlag
- Eva-Maria Heinze, Einführung in das dialogische Denken, Karl Alber Verlag