sponsored by: OPO Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations
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editor: Cristian Ciocan assist: Ramona Niculina
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issue 359 / 1-30 November 2011 You can see this issue on the web at the following page:http://www.phenomenology.ro/newsletter/newsletter_359 How does this newsletter work? By making use of the information received from you! Please send your announcements at our address newsletter.phenomenology@gmail.com, including a link to a website where our readers can find the extended information. Please send only information related to phenomenology!
- Dear Colleagues,
The Center for Advanced Research has been trying to develop a list of phenomenological organizations that we have identified (you can see the 186 we know of at http://phenomenologycenter.org/about/organizations/). We suspect, however, that there are many other organizations that we have not identified. After all, there are some 4,000 subscribers to this newsletter now and forming organizations is a rather natural thing to do. Hence, I am writing to ask that you (a) correct anything erroneous or incomplete about your organization on the existing list (add websites where possible) and (b) if your organization is not on the list, please send us information about it like we have on the existing organizations. We will of course publish the improved list. Please send your information to InfoPhenomenology@gmail.com. Thanks, Lester Embree.
- Conference: Media: Technology, Epistemology, Ontology, and Ideology. 16-19 February 2012, National Universiity, San Diego, California. Deadline: 1st of December 2011
- Studia Phaenomenologica XII (2012): Phenomenon of Body / Phenomenology of Embodiment. Extended deadline: 15th of December 2011
- International Conference: Phenomenology and Aristotle. 2-3 June 2012, St. Petersburg. Deadline: 10th of January 2012
- Conference: Phenomenology of Pregnancy and Drives – Erotic Intersubjectivity, Södertörn University, 18-20 April 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. Deadline: 15th of January 2012
- The 51st Annual SPEP Conference, 1-3 November 2013, Rochester, New York. Deadline: 1st of February 2012
- Michel Henry et l’erí´s. Journée d’étude organisée par Natalie Depraz, Philippe Fontaine et Claudia Serban. 3 décembre 2011, ENS, Paris
- L’herméneutique en perspective. Séminaire du Centre d’herméneutique phénoménologique – Université de Paris-Sorbonne-Paris IV en lien avec les Archives Husserl de Paris (UMR 8547). 3 decembre 2011 – 5 mai 2012, Maison de la Recherche, Paris
- Tagung: Christliche und phí¤nomenologische Kritik gegenwí¤rtiger Kultur, 9-11 Dezmber 2011, Albert-Ludwigs-Universití¤t Freiburg [Programm]
- Le sensible. Séminaire de recherche des Archives Husserl Coordination : Jocelyn Benoist (Paris I – Archives Husserl). 10 décembre 2011: Jean-Luc Marion (Université Paris 4 / Université de Chicago) : Au-delí du dualisme cartésien : chair et corps chez Descartes
- Séminaire doctoral: Emmanuel Levinas, une autre voie phénoménologique. 14 novembre 2011 – 21 mai 2012, EnS
- Séminaire: Une autre philosophie du langage : Derrida, Benjamin, Ricoeur, Merleau-Ponty. 12 october 2011 – 16 mai 2012. Prochaine séance: 7 decembre 2011. ENS, Paris
- International Conference: Knowledge through Interaction. How Children Learn about Self, Others, and Objects. 1-3 March 2012, Heidelberg
- Husserl: le monde de la vie (II). Séminaire de lecture de textes des Archives Husserl. 4 novembre 2011 – 6 avril 2012
- Jan Pato?ka, Aristote, ses devanciers, ses successeurs (French translation by E. Abrams), Vrin
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception (English translation by Donald A. Landes), Routledge
- Max Scheler, La esencia de la filosofía y la condición moral del conocer filosófico (con otros escritos sobre el método fenomenológico) (Spanish translation by Sergio Sánchez-Migallón), Encuentro Ediciones
- Françoise Dastur, Heidegger et la question du temps,PUF
- Philippe Cabestan et Françoise Dastur, Daseinsanalyse. Phénoménologie et psychiatrie, Vrin
- Mouchir Basile Aoun, Heidegger et la pensée arabe, L’Harmattan
- Paul Dawalibi, Identité Aban-Donnée. Essai sur la phénoménologie de la souffrance, L’Harmattan
- Émilie Tardivel, La liberté au principe. Essai sur la philosophie de Pato?ka, Vrin
- Annabelle Dufourcq, Merleau-Ponty: une ontologie de l’imaginaire, Springer
- Francis Halsall & Julia Jansen & Sinead Murphy (Eds.), Critical Communities and Aesthetic Practices. Dialogues with Tony O’Connor on Society, Art, and Friendship, Springer
- Joeri Schrijvers, Ontotheological Turnings? The Decentering of the Modern Subject in Recent French Phenomenology, SUNY Press
- Sebastian Luft, Subjectivity and Lifeworld in Transcendental Phenomenology, NU Press