NEWS | Studia Phaenomenologica

Forthcoming: Studia Phaenomenologica 20 (2020) – Phenomenology and the History of Platonism


Guest Editors:  Daniele de Santis and Claudio Majolino

Daniele de Santis, Claudio Majolino:  Phaenomenologia sub specie Platonis. Editors’ Introduction

Adolf Reinach:  La philosophie de Platon (traduction et introduction par Aurélien Djian)

Emanuele Mariani:  L’entrelacs des traditions : Brentano, l’analogia entis et le platonisme

Emiliano Trizio:  Husserl’s Timaeus. Plato’s creation myth and the phenomenological concept of metaphysics as the teleological science of the world

Reza Rokoee:  La Paideia  phénoménologique entre Husserl et Fink

Aurélien Djian:  Hen epi pollí´n. The Origin of Husserl’s Eidetic Variation and the Divide between Plato and Aristotle on the Universal  

William H. Koch:  Phenomenology and the Problem of Universals

Francesco Fronterotta:  íŠtre, présence et vérité: Platon chez Heidegger (et í  rebours)

Katherine Davies:  Heidegger’s Reading(s) of the  Phaedrus

Filip Karfí­k:  Critique et appropriation. Les platonismes dans les écrits de Jan Patočka de l’aprí¨s-guerre

Georgios Tsagdis, Rozemund Uljée:  Subject to Soul, Object to World: Jan Patočka’s Platonism of Care  

Sylvain Roux:  Is Levinas a Platonist ? The interpretation of Plato in Totality and Infinity

Paul Slama:  The onto-agathological fold of metaphysics: Aristotle, Plato and Heidegger

Justin Leavitt Pearl:  í€ Denys: Tracing Jean-Luc Marion’s Dionysian Hermeneutics  


Bernhard Waldenfels:  Responsivity and co-responsivity from a phenomenological point of view

Thomas Byrne:  A “˜Principally Unacceptable‘ Theory: Husserl‘s Rejection and Revision of his Philosophy of Meaning Intentions from the Logical Investigations


Alexandru Bejinariu: Vincent Blok, Heidegger’s Concept of Philosophical Method: Innovating Philosophy in the Age of Global Warming

Delia Popa: István Fazakas: Le clignotement du soi. Gení¨se et institutions de l’ipséité

Grégori Jean: Anne Devarieux, L’Intériorité réciproque. L’hérésie biranienne de Michel Henry

Valeria Bizzari: Michela Beatrice Ferri (ed.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America      

Nicola Spano: Andrea Staiti, Etica Naturalistica e Fenomenologia

Christian Ferencz-Flatz: Erik Norman Dzwiza-Ohlsen, Die Horizonte der Lebenswelt. Sprachphilosophische Studien zu Husserls erster Phí¤nomenologie der Lebenswelt

[Previous issues]