NEWS | Newsletter of Phenomenology

Newsletter of Phenomenology Number 630 (April 2024)

Number 630 (April 2024)

Editor: Cristian Ciocan

Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru

Please add new info to our online system here:

Published in the current issue:
  1. Call for Papers
  2. Upcoming Events
  3. New Books & Translations
  4. Periodicals
  5. Open Commons News
Call for Papers

Fourth International Conference: Why Still Education? Experience of Education (9th – 11th October 2024, Belgrade, Serbia)

Deadline: 1st May 2024

Metodo vol.12/2 : Philosophy and/of economics

Deadline: 30th May 2024

Studia Phaenomenologica vol.25 : Eco-Phenomenology

Deadline: 15th Jul 2024

Experience and Non-Objects: Towards a Phenomenology of Indiscernibility (28th – 30th October 2024, Pittsburgh, United States of America)

Deadline: 15th Aug 2024

Etudes phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies vol.10 : L’imagination, de l’esthétique à l’ontologie

Deadline: 1st Oct 2024

PHILOSOPHIES vol.Special Issue : Merleau-Ponty and rereading the Phenomenology of Perception

Deadline: 1st Oct 2024

Metodo vol.13/1 : Transcendental phenomenology, the idea of philosophy and the foundation of science

Deadline: 30th Nov 2024

Studia Phaenomenologica vol.26 : Phenomenology and psychopathology

Deadline: 30th Mar 2025

Upcoming Events

Perceptual Plasticity

9th – 10th May 2024
Montréal, Canada

First International Conference on Embodied Education

15th – 17th May 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark

Phenomenology at the borders

20th – 23rd May 2024
Pittsburgh, United States of America

Back to the Things Themselves! 2024

21st – 29th May 2024
Montréal, Canada

Stranger, Foreigners, Aliens

1st – 5th Jul 2024
Venezia, Italy

Disordered Temporalities – Toward Quantitative Phenomenology

4th – 5th Jul 2024
Heidelberg, Germany

Philosophy and Poetry

6th – 26th Jul 2024
Città di Castello, Italy

Imperatives of Alterity and Law in Levinas and Kant

15th – 19th Jul 2024
Vilnius, Lithuania

Opening conference of the Archive for Phenomenological Research Wuppertal

2nd – 4th Sep 2024
Wuppertal, Germany

The Many Worlds of Phenomenology: Umwelt – Mitwelt – Lebenswelt

4th – 6th Sep 2024
Trnava, Slovakia

7. Internationales Symposium zur Phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft – “Welt, Weltlichkeit und Weltbezug”

8th – 10th Oct 2025
Berlin, Germany

View all events in the Open Commons Calendar

New Books & Translations

Nikolić O.
Anticipacija i navika: izvori probabilističkog rasuđivanja

Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023

López Sáenz M.C., Moreno Marquez C. (eds)
Del tiempo: Perspectivas fenomenológicas

Dykinson, 2024

Del Mastro C., Leclercq J., Rizo-Patrón De Lerner R., Wiesse J. (eds)
Entre philosophie et littérature: la phénoménologie?

Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2023

Anelli A.
Essere e libertà: Il problema fenomenologico dell’agire umano nel pensiero di Martin Heidegger

Mimesis, 2023

Ortiz Hill C.
Experience and the ultimate structure of reality: Husserl’s pursuit of truth

College Publications, 2024

Bobant C.
Inactualité du sensible: Phénoménologie et art contemporain

Éditions des Compagnons d’humanité, 2024

Russo M.
L’età degli uomini: Antropologia filosofica e dintorni

DeriveApprodi, 2023

Pommier É.
L’humanisme après Heidegger: (Levinas, Jonas, Arendt et Patočka)

Presses Universitaires de France, 2024

Depraz N.
La surprise: Crise dans la pensée

Seuil, 2024

Wang J.
Menschlicher Mensch: Von Husserl und Rombach zur interkulturellen Phänomenologie

Königshausen & Neumann, 2024

Leclercq J., Malinge Y. (eds)
Michel Henry: une philosophie radicale

Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2024

Barbaras R.
Phénoménologie et cosmologie

Vrin, 2024

Doyon M.
Phenomenology and the norms of perception

Oxford University Press, 2024

Karlsson G.
Psychoanalytic and phenomenological reflections on masculinity

Routledge, 2023

Barber M.
Resilience and responsiveness: Alfred Schutz’s finite provinces of meaning

Springer, 2024

Schmitz H.
Se comprendre soi-même: Textes choisis (trans. Grosos Philippe; Georget Jean-Louis)

Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2024

Zirión Quijano A., Qu Q.
Sobre el colorido de la vida y la fenomenología de lo inefable

SB Editorial, 2024

Horváth L.
The affective core self: The role of the unconscious and retroactivity in self-constitution

Springer, 2024

Rozzoni C.
The phenomenological image: A Husserlian inquiry into reality, phantasy, and aesthetic experience

de Gruyter, 2024

Supporting Publishers
Copyright © 2024 Romanian Society for Phenomenology, All rights reserved.

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