NEWS | Romanian Philosophy Newsletter

Romanian Philosophy Newsletter – No. 12 (176) / December 2020

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Anca Gheaus, Sabine Hohl (eds.),  Moral Philosophy and Politics, Band 7, Heft 2: Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights, De Gruyter, 2020
  2. Adrian Razvan  Sandru,  íœbermaíŸ und Widerstand.  Zum Begriff einer dynamischen Erfahrung, Springer, 2020
  3. Constantin Salavastru,  Quand philosopher, c’est questionner.  Revue internationale de philosophie, De Boeck Supérieur, 2020.

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din străinătate

  1. Dana Jalobeanu, “Experiments in the Making: Instruments and Forms of Quantification in Francis Bacon’s  Historia Densi et Rari“,  Early Science and Medicine,  Band 25,  Ausgabe 4, 2020
  2. Elena Popa, “Mental health, normativity, and local knowledge in global perspective”,  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Volume 84, December 2020
  3. Constantin Salavastru, “Présence d’un problí¨me: le questionnement”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  4. Constantin Salavastru, “Le signe de l’évacuation d’un problí¨me : le refoulement”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  5. Constantin Salavastru, “La résolution d’un problí¨me ou l’effectivité”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  6. Constantin Salavastru, “Le signe de la persistance d’un problí¨me : la déduction ou inférence problématologique”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  7. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement de l’íŠtre: entité ou fonction?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  8. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement du réel : réel ou fictionnel?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  9. Constantin Salavastru, “Le questionnement du monde : monde en soi ou monde hors de soi?”, in:  Revue internationale de philosophie, n ° 294, 2020
  10. Nicolae Turcan, “Religious Call in Eastern Orthodox Spirituality: A Theo-Phenomenological Approach”,  Religions 11(12), 2020
  11. Ionut Untea, “Samson, Antigone, and the charismatic agonistes: From a ‘pro”power’  to a ‘pro”existence’  political engagement”,  The Philosophical Forum,  Volume 51, Issue 4, 2020
  12. Marilena Vlad, “Socrates’ Apology and the Philosophical Art of Divination: the Delphic Oracle”,  The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2020

C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Alexandru  Baltag (et al.), “Causal Agency and Responsibility: A Refinement of STIT Logic”,    in: Alessandro Giordani, Jacek Malinowski (eds.),  Logic in High Definition, 2021
  2. Denisa Butnaru, “Bewegung ++: Von Behinderung zu Optimierung”, in:  Melike Sahinol, Christopher Coenen, Raoul  Motika (Hrsg.),  Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper, Springer, 2020
  3. Smaranda Marculescu, “Rationnel et irrationnel dans les propos philoniens sur la prophétie et la divination”, in:  Jérí´me Moreau und Olivier Munnich (eds.),  Religion et rationalité: Philon d’Alexandrie et sa postérité, Brill, 2020
  4. Mona Simion,  Martin Miragoli, “Gender and Group Disagreements”, in:  Fernando Broncano-Berrocal, J. Adam Carter (eds.),  The Epistemology of Group Disagreement, Routledge, 2020
  5. Anca Vasiliu, “Images de l’âme et de l’intellection dans le Quis rerum divinarum heres sit de Philon d’Alexandrie”,  in:  Jérí´me Moreau und Olivier Munnich (eds.),  Religion et rationalité: Philon d’Alexandrie et sa postérité, Brill, 2020

D) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în străinătate

  1. Dana Jalobeanu, “Baconianism and Newtonianism: a history (and philosophy) of shifting historiographic categories”,  Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop,  19 November, 2020 (online)
  2. Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, “Oppressive Speech Shifts Norms in Negotiation Games”,  Oppressive Speech, Societies & Norms – Theme 1: Social Norms & Institutions: Game Theory, 3-4 December,   2020 (online)

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming.  Foreword by Costică Brădățan, Zeta Books, 2020.
  2. Dragoș Grusea,  Clipă și timp, Editura Ideea Europeana, 2020
  3. Dorin Ștefănescu,  Texte și contexte. Abordări hermeneutice, Editura Limes, 2020

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din țară

  1. Iolanda Anastasiei, “Reconfigurations of the Exhibition Space – Case Study: Cristi Ruse Exhibition at the  Plan B  Gallery”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  2. Ramona Ardelean, “The Theoretical Legitimation of an Ethical Paradigm of Human Consciousness Nonseparability starting from the Scientific Paradigm of Quantum Theoretical Nonseparability”,    Hermeneia, Nr. 25, 2020
  3. Ramona Nicoleta Ariesan, “The Invisible World beyond the Perceptual One”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  4. Cătălin Vasile Bobb, “The Place of phronesis in Philosophical Hermeneutics. A Brief Overview and a Critical Question”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 25, 2020
  5. Ioan-Cristian Boboescu, “Close: Nearing the Future by Means of Symbiogenesis and Hyperobjectivity”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  6. Alin Constantin Corfu, “A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s  De sphaera“,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  7. Emilia Faur, “‘The Jewish Question’ in the Pages of  Contimporanul“,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  8. Oana-Corina Filip, “Charity in John of Salisbury’s  Policraticus“,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  9. Nicu Gavriluță, “The New Technologies and Camouflaged Mythologies of Transhumanism”,  Hermeneia, Nr. 25, 2020
  10. Vlăduț-Ionuț Ghionoiu,  “En quíªte de Dieu” (Book review),  Hermeneia, Nr. 25, 2020
  11. Anisia Iacob, “Lipsius’  De constantia,  17th Century Still Life Painting and the Use of Constancy Today”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  12. Claudia Marta, “From Letter to Phantasm. Some Remarks on Deleuze and Psychoanalysis in  Logic of Sense“,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  13. Gabriel Mustață, “Alvin Platinga’s Reformed Epistemology”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  14. Liviu Razvan Pripon, “Natural Object or Element of an Artwork? Case Study: Artists, Artworks and Exhibitions in Cluj, Romania”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020
  15. Horea Rusu, “Realism/Antirealism Debate: A Selection of the Most Important Arguments of the Debate”,  Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, Vol. 65 (LXV),  Special Issue, 2020

C) Studii in volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Costică Brădățan, “Foreword”, In: Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming.  Zeta Books, 2020.
  2. Mihaela Gligor, “Introduction. The Time is Now. On the Philosophies of Today”.  In: Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming. Zeta Books, 2020.
  3. Arleen Ionescu, “Language as Becoming: The Cases of Self-Translation of Samuel Beckett and E. M. Cioran”. In:  Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming. Zeta Books, 2020.
  4. Claudiu Mesaroș, “Aristotle on Becoming and Meanings of Time”. In: Mihaela Gligor (ed.),  The Time is Now. Essays on the Philosophy of Becoming. Zeta Books, 2020.

D) Traduceri

  1. Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari,  Ce este filosofia?, traducere de Bogdan Ghiu, Editura Hecate, 2020
  2. Diego Fusaro,  Europa și capitalismul. Pentru o redeschidere a viitorului, traducere de  Oana Pughineanu, Alexandria Publishing House, 2020
  3. Werner Jaeger,  Umanism și teologie, traducere de Dan Sisterman, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020

E) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în țară

  1. Colocviul Național al Centrului de Hermeneutică, Fenomenologie și Filosofie Practică, Ediția a XII-a  Iași, 27-28 noiembrie 2020
  2. Princeton-Bucharest Virtual Seminar, November-December 2020

A) Apel la contribuții pentru reviste academice

  1. CfP:  Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy.  Topic: “Finitude and Death”.  Manuscripts Submission Deadline: March 15, 2021.
  2. CfP:  Studia Phaenomenologica, Vol. 21,  2021: From Witnessing to Testimony,  Extended Deadline:  January 30, 2021.

Newsletter of Phenomenology – Number 637 (November 2024)

Newsletter Archive Number 637 (November 2024) Editor: Cristian Ciocan Editorial Assistant: Cristina Dumitru Please add new info to our online system here: New Publications New Events New CfP's Published in the current issue: Call for Papers Upcoming Events New Books...